Drabble 9 - Brittany Strikes Back

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Preston lifted the dish cover off of the platter to reveal his favorite meal. Alone in his dorm, on a perfectly polished silver platter, sat an unopened bag of Cheetos. A perfect end to a day of binge watching Netflix. As he tore open the next bag and unpaused Orange is the New Black, his owl perched himself on the windowsill next to his bed. "Percy! What do you have for me buddy?" Preston laughed as he reached over and took a piece of paper out of Percy's talon. 

The note was short and to the point: 'You. Me. Date tonight. Meet me in the Hufflepuff common room at six ;) -Alice' 

Seemed simple enough. Needless to say, he was nervous. He had been hard-core crushing for months, and he was afraid that it was becoming obvious, but now, none of that mattered. He was going on a date with Alice Dean.

Preston McDonald looked at himself in the mirror. After a day of watching Netflix (with the wi-fi Alice had set up for him), he was a mess to say the least. He had orange fingers, and his yellow and black robes were starting to turn the infamous color too. He concluded that a shower was in order.


Claire, Sam, and Alice had spent their day together. They lounged in the Ravenclaw common room playing board games and eating Honeydukes candy left over from Sam and Claire's last trip to Hogsmeade, all the while having some serious girl talk. As Sam dealt out Monopoly money, Alice continued the conversation.

"No but honestly, you guys are such a cute couple. I can only dream of having a relationship as stable and grotesquely adorable as you two. You're like, my OTP."

"What's an... OTP?" Claire asked dubiously.

"Babe, it means she thinks we're cute together." Sammy said, finishing handing out the fake money. 

"That... That makes sense." Claire said, still obviously confused. 

After taking a moment to start up the game, Sammy broke the silence. "Speaking of cute couples, Preston totally has the hots for you." 

"Yeah, I'm aware..." Alice trailed off, getting distracted; it was her turn to roll the dice. "I mean, if he asked me on a date, I'd probably say yes cause' I know he wouldn't try anything with me. You guys know I wanna save myself, and he would be too nervous to make a move."

Claire gave her input, "Yeah, I def think he would be good for you."

"I'm hoping that if he ever does ask me out, we end up like you guys and save our friendship. Plus, he isn't exactly the ugliest person in the world, which is nice."

At that moment, Alice's friend Brittany walked down the stairs, "You talking about Preston again?"


"Ya knooooow, Preston told me earlier that he wanted me to tell your guys to meet him in the huff-and-puff dorms." Brittany said, tossing her hair behind her shoulder. "He said it was urgent that you be there in like," she looked at her watch, "fifteen minutes."

Sammy set a timer on her phone for fifteen minutes. "Sounds good. We'll be there."   

Brittany looked at Alice, "and it's suuuuper important that you be there, ok?" She confirmed with a giggle and a wink. 

"What have you done this time?" Alice questioned.

"It's a surprise. You're welcome in advance." Brittany shot back. Hair tossed, she strutted out of the room and presumably towards the Hufflepuff dorms. 

"This should be good." Sam smirked, elbowing Claire.


Preston mumbled a charm to stop the flow of water out of the faucet and reached through the curtain for the towel he had hung on a rack outside. After this shower, he would put on his best tux and his house colored tie. He was going to look good for this date. Reaching for the towel, he closed his hand around nothing but air. "What the f- but no one's even in the fucking dorm with me." He muttered. He peeked his head out of the curtain. His clothes, his phone, and his towel: all gone. He cursed under his breath and got out of the shower.

Preston shook like a dog to get the excess water off of himself and ran, covering his privates, down the stairs and to his dorm room. His room was raided, and all that remained were his cheetos, the silver platter and the dish to cover it. Seeing that even his sheets were gone, he took his only option. 'Whoever took my shit is probably in the common room.' he thought, and hurried toward the stairs. 

At that moment, Claire, Sam, and Alice walked into the Hufflepuff common room and fell onto the over-stuffed couches. A minute passed and Claire piped up, "Where the fuck is Preston?" 

No sooner did a harsh bump and a loud crash come from the staircase. The trio jumped to their feet, Alice fixing her Steven Universe sweater. The girls inched towards the staircase. Seemingly out of nowhere, Preston dashed down the stairs with the silver cake-cover over his crotch, and otherwise, completely naked. The moment went in slow motion. Claire and Sam both had looks of terror on their faces. Alice was intrigued to say the least. He didn't look half bad. Good, actually. Preston, in that moment, realized what was going on (to some extent) and froze like a deer caught in headlights. 

"Wingardium Leviosa," said a familiar voice from behind Alice. Brittany stood there with one hand holding a tux, a towel, and a phone, and the other hand holding her wand - pointed straight at the cake-cover.


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