Drabble 7 - New Year's Resolutions

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Staring intently at a piece of parchment and firmly grasping his favorite quill, Preston sat determined in his room, brainstorming his New Year's Resolutions. He had spent the entire New Year's Eve and Day trying to come up with reasonable resolutions, but he was afraid of failing them again. In the previous year, he had set a goal to become the leading spell caster in all of Hufflepuff, and he fell short after he lost a duel to his rival, Max. He also wanted to get a date before the year was done, and obviously, he fell extremely short on that resolution. He wanted to make this year better than before.
He grabbed his quill, and wrote, "Get a date," as his most important New Year's resolution. He felt that this should happen, it had to happen, he had already wrote it four times before, and it was a leap year...IT HAD TO HAPPEN.
Next, he wrote, "Don't make too many mistakes." Last year, aside from losing his big duel, he made a mistake that cost him his best friend at the time. Which led him to write, "Don't lose your new friends."
He looked back at his quill and list and let out a sigh of relief. He looked outside his window at the sun peeking out of the clouds that hung over the beautiful countryside. He let his mind wander. 'A new year. A new you,' he thought to himself.
He looked around his dormitory at the others sleeping around him. He looked down at his list, and wrote, "Be confident. Be courageous." It wasn't very Hufflepuff of him, but it didn't matter. It was a new year.
He wondered what Sam, Claire, and Alice's New Year's Resolutions were.


Claire sat on her bed in the Gryffindor dormitory, and wrote diligently with her glitter pen her New Year's resolutions.
1. Get Sammy TO LOVE ME
2. Do some other cool shit
Satisfied, yet tired from her late night of partying, she passed out on her bed.


Sam laid on her bed and looked over at her friend who was pondering about their New Year's resolutions. She didn't see the point of New Year's resolutions. They all ended up failing in the end, didn't they? The pale Slytherin let out a slow yawn, and fell back asleep.


Alice sat at her desk with her 'new year, new you' notepad in front of her. She wanted to stay on track this year with her resolutions, and not botch them like the years before. She kept them simple and to the point.
1. Make parents happy
2. Get good grades
3. Find good anime
4. Be an overall better person
And after a moment of hesitation, she decided to add,
5. Get a date
She stared at the people around her, who were either still asleep or were starting the day. She glared outside her window at the sun rising above the dark and low clouds. "This will be a good year."


Preston stood up from his bed and noticed his smile becoming a grin. "It was going to be a good year." He thought to himself. He rounded the corner and stubbed his toe on the bed, instantly falling to the ground.



Hey guys, we hope you all had a very happy New Year, and will continue to have a happy year in 2016.


(try at least)

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