Drabble 17 - The Yule Ball

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Before the Battle of Hogwarts on May 2, 1998, the Yule Ball was exclusive to the years of Triwizard Tournaments. But after the battle, Europe's three most prestigious wizarding schools - Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and Hogwarts - get together at Hogwarts each year to celebrate the holiday spirit. Like muggle prom, a couple is crowned the royalty of the Ball each year.

As the blue frosted carriages of Beauxbatons landed in front of the castle and the ships of Durmstrang docked in the ports, house elves put the finishing touches on the Great Hall. Somewhere between seventy-five and one hundred tables were scattered around the perimeter of the hall, and in the center, was an ice rink (enchanted - of course - to turn any shoes that step on it into gorgeous ice skates). This was a new addition. Every year, it seemed the previous couldn't be outdone, but the elves somehow managed to make each Yule Ball better.

Preston stood in front of his mirror looking himself over. Yes, his yellow and black tuxedo was a bit frilly, and his slicked back hair was a little silly, but otherwise, he didn't look half bad. He brushed a few pieces of lint off his trousers and made eye contact with his reflection. "Today's the day, you coward. You're gonna ask her. I don't care if you're nervous. It's now or never."

"Who are you talking to, all alone in ze dorm?" Said a voice from behind him. Preston turned around to find a boy in Durmstrang colors leaning against the doorway. It took Preston a moment to remember who this person was.

"Well, if it isn't Justin Finch-Fletchy. Dude, I haven't seen you since, like, primary school. How are you?" He ran to the doorway to give a hug to the Durmstrang boy.

"I'm alright, actually, zank you." Justin said, hugging Preston back. "Didn't you get my letters?" Preston was confused for a bit. He looked back at Percy, his snowy owl who was perched on the window sill.

"Percy, would you happen to know where all the letters from Durmstrang have gone?" The owl made eye contact with his owner, then looked away, avoiding him. Justin and Preston laughed. "Percy, where are the letters? I know you know where they are, you silly bird." Slowly, Percy lifted a talon and pointed it under Preston's bed. Preston laughed and patted Percy, then reached under his bed and retrieved a wad of crunched up parchment with now unreadable ink smeared about it.

"Well here they are," He looked back over at Justin, "So, to answer your question, no, I did not get your letters."

"Well," said Justin leaning his school-issued wooden staff against a bedpost, "Since we're now fourth years and we can go to ze Ball, I have a date from Beauxbaton. I've been sending her letters all year, and I'm finally going to get to meet her today."

"Aw, that's so cool. I'm happy for you man."

"Who are you going wiz?"

"Well... uh..."

"Don't have a date, eh?"

Preston considered his situation. "Well, I almost have a date."


Alice and Claire sat together in the Ravenclaw common room, where at least two dozen Ravenclaws buzzed around helping each other put their finishing touches on their dresses. "No, silly, the corsage goes here!" "Which necklace goes with these earrings better?" "I HAVE A TEAR IN MY PETTICOAT!" "For the sake of Merlin, again? Jessica, you're the third person to have this problem!"

Through the mess of blue and silver, a pair of girls stood out. Alice, in a large, royal blue dress that resembled that of Cinderella, and Claire in a crimson and gold gown that brushed the floor as she walked. Her hair was up in a bun, though her bangs still curled down to frame her face. She held a green and silver bouquet in her hands. "Do you think Sam will like it?"

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