Chapter 18 - Dodgy Drinks and Difficult Dilemmas

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Chapter 18 - Dodgy Drinks and Difficult Dilemmas  

My eyes are heavy, and feel as though they are glued shut. I try to open them, but the intense pain behind them assaults me.

"Ugh," I groan. I bring a hand up to my face and rub away the tiredness. I open my eyes cautiously, shielding them from the light, which seems far too bright for my brain to comprehend. I glance around me, and realise I'm outside. To my right, I see a ruffled, black mess. "Jace." I nudge him with my toe, my shoes absent.

He murmurs something unintelligible.


"Where the fuck are we?" he repeats, dragging himself up from the grassy bed we seemingly slept on last night.

"I have no clue," I say, biting my lip. To be honest, I'm just glad it's warm today, because the dress I'm currently wearing isn't exactly the most sensible for all weathers.

"What happened last night?"

"Well, I'm guessing by my migraine from hell, that we got pretty freakin' drunk."

"Well, yeah, that part I guessed," Jace says, dragging himself over to sit beside me. We're both quiet as we check out our surroundings. Vast fields span out around us, enclosing us in their green-ness, a small cluster of trees expanding to create a large forest. "Did we get baked or something?"

"I hope not," I shudder, hating the thought of perhaps having done drugs. "Let's just, I dunno, call someone to come get us."

"Good idea, give me your cell."

"Right," I say, suddenly stuck. Where's my bag? I check around me, but can't see it anywhere. "Eh, Jace?"


"You don't happen to see my bag, by any chance, do you?"

"Wait, you don't have your bag?"


"Callie!" he huffs. "You had my phone too!"

"Sorry! You shouldn't trust me with your stuff!" I pout. He sighs, shaking his head.

"I'm not blaming you for anything, but I do vaguely remember that at some point last night, you were... more than intoxicated. And, you suggested a walk, and I may or may not have accepted," he admits. "And I'm assuming that's how we ended up here."

"Great, so we have no clue where we are, have no money or contact with anyone."


"What a great date!" I squeal, grinning widely, causing Jace to stare at me like I just suggested a three-way with Edward Scissor-Hands.

"Yeah, you definitely smoked something last night," he says seriously, standing up.

"No!" I laugh, grabbing his arm, keeping him on the ground with me. "Have you never wanted to have your own, real life version of The Hangover?"

"No," he says.

"Well, I have!" I say, excitement riddled through my voice.

"Okay, well, while you sit and practically pee your pants about our current situation, I'm going to start walking," he says, gesturing over his shoulder with his thumb. He stands up, brushing down his jeans, before wandering off in the direction of the trees.

"Walking where?" I ask, following him quickly, the grass tickling my bare feet, the fresh dew dampening my toes.

"This way," he says, pointing in front of him.

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