Chapter 24 - Saved By The Bad Boys

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Chapter 24 - Saved By The Bad Boys

I always considered myself as the type of person who, in a terrifying situation, wouldn't know what to do, and would scream, cry and, well... scream. However, I'm finding out now that that's totally not the case. The banging starts first, quickening my heartbeat and sending my thoughts into overdrive. With Jace's tinted windows and the dark night, I can't even see the inside of the car, never mind the out. Instead of screaming, though, I lower myself in to the foot-well of my seat, hunkering down under the steering-wheel. I try to focus in on the voices of the people outside, but I recognise none.

"She's in there, I know it," one voice snarls. A series of thumping follows, which I guess to be them hitting the window with something.

"Fuck, Jenson must have reinforced the glass!" another yells, halting the loud thumps.

"Stand back," the man from before warns. I huddle down as low as I can manage, clenching my eyes tight shut. A loud, deafening clang breaks the air, making me freeze and gasp slightly. I think for a second he's broken the window, but the shouts and curses that follow eliminate the thought. "It's fucking bulletproof!" I think back to my first date with Jace, when I first saw his car, and I giggle to myself silently.

Huh, I think, not missile-proof, but close enough.

"Shit, it fucking rebounded!" the guy yells. I high-five myself. "Shit, take me to see Ferg, the bitch can wait." Rude, he doesn't even know me and he's calling me a bitch.

Well, you sir aren't really a catch yourself.

I hear footsteps retreating, but I stay huddled down, because I still don't feel safe. I wait a good twenty minutes before slowly peeking out of my hiding spot, then climb back up on to the chair.

I check my phone, but see no calls from Jace. I try to stay positive. Those guys wouldn't have come to get me unless they were needed at the warehouse. Also, they may have been trying to get away because they knew they wouldn't last there. Besides, Jace would have called me if something terrible was going on. But, my attempts at reassuring myself fail. Those guys probably weren't needed because... Tyler, Jace and Kayleigh had already been taken care of. I think back to what he told me, about driving away if something suspicious happened, but I can't. In fact, an idea forms in my head.

I pull the car keys from the ignition, and then scramble over the seats so that I find myself sitting in the backseat. I take a deep breath and squint out into the night. I can make out the faint outline of trees, but nothing else. I press my ear to the glass of the window on the right, halt my breathing and, again, nothing surprises me. Everyone's gone back to the warehouse. Finding myself with no other option, I unlock the door using the small tab in the left-hand corner, which clicks as the mechanisms relax. I prise open the door, and a cool breeze hits me, chilling my skin. I step out onto the crunchy pebble-road, and quickly scurry to the back of the car, checking all around me as I do. I stare down either end of the road and see no oncoming vehicles, so I unlock the trunk as fast as I can. I scrabble around in the car until I find what I'm looking for.

I've never held a gun before, but the heavy weight of the cool metal against my skin makes me feel instantly safer. If those guys come back at least I'll have some form of protection, because there's no way I'm leaving, even though Jace told me to. I slide the gun into the waistband of my shorts, hiding it with my jumper, shut the trunk and lock it, place the keys in my pocket and hurry back around the car.

"Stupid bitch," a voice snarls behind me, making me halt. My mind races as I assess my options. I can either run as fast as my legs can carry me - which isn't very fast - and get caught, or I can be one of those awesome girls who totally sasses the person trying to kill her.

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