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Some of the ideas in this chapter were suggested by We_R_FanGirls ^.^ hope you enjoy! Also there is some strong language in this chapter and through the rest of the book.

-Max's dream-

  I was at my desk. Editing Ross' video. He did a build battle with (y/n) she looked beautiful. I had just finished up the video when I heard Ross arguing with (y/n) I could only hear bits and pieces of the argument though.

  Ross: "what the hell are you talking about"
  (Y/n): "I can't believe you!"
  Ross: "JUST GET OUT ....Bitch."
  (Y/n): "FINE."

  I hear (y/n) slam Ross' office door and I see her walk over to me.

  "You okay?" I ask.

  She doesn't respond instead she walks over to me pulls me toward her and kisses me.

-dream end-

  I wake up I'm Adams office. That was a crazy dream. I check the time. It's 6:15pm. Wow. I've been asleep for a bit. I walk out of Adams office I see (y/n) in her office but I don't see Ross anywhere. That's odd he doesn't leave the offices till around 8 or 9. Where could he be?

-Ross pov-

  Josie and I were watching a scary movie. She got scared and scooted closer to me.

  "Ima say this again. I've got a girlfriend Josie." I say as I scoot alway.

  "Well. She isn't here now is she?" She says.

  "Just because she's not here doesn't mean anything." I say. "Can we just watch the damn movie?"

-Adam pov-

  I walk to my office and I see Max is up and looking better.

  "Hey max feeling better?" I ask.

  "Yes I am and I'm going to edit this video real quick." He responds.

  "Okay sounds great!" I walk to Ross' office

  He's not here. That's odd. I walk to (y/n)'s office. "Hey do you know where Ross is?"

  "He went to his friend Josie's house."

  "Oh okay." He didn't mention Josie is his ex. I better head over there.

-Ross pov-

  To be honest Josie is looking super cute. (Y/n) won't find out.

  Josie scooted closer to me again and I out my arm around her. She looked at me with her blue eyes and smiled.

  "Finally your warming up to me" she said.

  This feels wrong. But so right at the same time it feels right. I look at Josie and pull her in for a kiss. No turning back now. We start to make out.

-Adam pov-

  I can't believe what I'm seeing what a dirty dog. Ross you bastard. Hmm this may come in handy.  A few minutes later I see Ross get up from and tell Josie he has to go. He walks out he door and to his car. I get my car and makes sure he doesn't notice me. He drives to his house that's when I get out of my car to confront him.

  "Ross you dirty dog." I say.

  "Wh-what are y-you talking about?" He says.

  "I saw you and Josie." I sneer. "How could you do that?"

  "I-I uh..." He doesn't know what to say.

  I pull out my phone. "I should tell (y/n)."

  "NO! don't please all do anything" begs Ross.

  "Anything?" I ask.

  "Yes anything." He says.

  "Well. Then. I want you to break up with (y/n) tell her you cheated on her yourself." I say.

  "Why can't we just not let her find out?" He begs.

  "It's not fair to (y/n)." I state.

  He begins to cry. "But I love her!"

  "No you don't. You wouldn't have cheated on her like that." I say.  "Go to the offices and tell her or I will."


-(y/n) pov-

I'm in my office planning for the next video when I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in"

Ross walks in with guilt written all over his face. He kneels down so we are eye to eye.

"(Y/n) Josie is my ex and while at her house... I-I cheated on you. I'm so sorry. I think we should break up." He says

"H-how could you." I began to cry. "I loved you."

I pushed him away from me. I stood up and tried to grab my hand. I turn around and slap him. "Fuck you Ross."

Oooo dang. Will Max save the day. Find out in the next chapter.

Max x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora