Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Joe I haven't seen you in forever." Max sighed on the other line.

"You see me every day at school Max." I smiled.

"Yeah, but only for a short second in the hallway. You always with Harry now." His voice sounded like acid.

"He's not that bad Max, if you would just get to know him-"

"I don't want to get to know him! I don't trust that guy, and I don't understand why you do! He's bad news Joe!"

Before I could defend Harry any further our called was disconnected. Why was Max being like that? Maybe if was just jealousy and it would subside after a few days. It was like Max to hold a grudge anyway. After being home for more than an hour, I decided that I should probably get out. My mother would have a heart attack if she found out I had stayed home on a perfectly good Sunday afternoon. I threw on an old sweat shirt and some faded jeans and headed out. The coffee shop was the only place that I really ever went to, so I decided to go there. There was a Economics test coming up so I packed my books with me to study.

"Hey Miss Joe." Al, my usual waiter greeted as he heard the front door open.

"Hey Al."

It was always nice to see a friendly face. He sat me at my usual table in the back. Studying was really the only thing I did here.

Economics became boring all the more quickly after my coffee had finished. My eyes wandered around the coffee house. So many teenagers hanging out with their friends or family. Must be nice to actually be able to talk to your family like that, even be open with people so close to you. My heart began to ache in my chest. It's not that I didn't want to be close to my parents, because that wasn't true. But, it was so hard to live up to their standards; the farther I stayed away, the more I stopped hurting them.

"I'm not stalking you, I promise." A familiar voice said behind me.
Slowly I turned my head to my Harry smiling and holding a pack of scones.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

He lifted his pack of scones in significance, "my mom wanted me to check to see if they had her favorite scones here. I was on my way to bring them home when I saw your car out front. May I sit?"

"Sure." I nodded.

"What are you doing?"

"Just studying for Economics."

"That's right we do have that test on Monday." He finally sat down.

"Max called me today." I sighed.

"Oh? What did he say?"

"He hates you." I teased.

"Why wouldn't he? I stole his best friend." Harry winked.

"I don't know why he can't just talk to you, he acts like you're from hell or something."

"I'm psychotic, remember?"

"Right." My voice became light as I laughed.

"Any luck on the job hunting?" Harry had been looking for a job, but hadn't been called back at all. We both knew why of course, nobody wanted a crazy person walking around their store.

"No, I haven't even gotten any callbacks. It's been months ya know? I wish people would get over all of the rumors." Pain was the only thing readable in his beautiful eyes.

"They might give it up... if you told them the truth." I had lost him after my words had slipped out.

"You know I can't do that."

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