Something's Not Right

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Second update today! YEAH!!!

Music is in siebar!

Go crazy my happy readers!


 The darkness. Not the most heart welcoming place to be, but that's where I am. I don't remember much, besides falling into Ashes arms, the pain, and then, blackout.

 Now I know I'm awake. But I'm still in the darkness. Beeping noises to the right of me explain that I must be in a hospital room. But why is it so dark? I feel a hand grasp mine, holding it and feeding it warmth.


 I try to yell out his name, but nothing comes out. I can't move. The pain begins to fade back to me, slowly at first, but then it courses through my veins and burns into my skin. It hurts. I want it to stop.

 Ashes, make it stop...

 I start to feel again. I can feel my arms and legs. I can twitch my fingers, probably move my eyes too. But the pain courses through my veins. It burns. So bad.

 I know if I move now I'll scream out in pain. My face, hands, feet, body in general, feels as if someone set a blow torch onto my skin and watched me burn. But I'm still burning, and it's not tuning down any time soon.

 I open my eyes, which get flooded in the light. I have to blink a few times before I can see clearly. Ashley is sitting in a chair next to me, holding my still burning hand. Sweat coats my entire body, and I feel the burn of every touch. The blankets rubbing against my skin make me squeal out in pain.

 Ashley notices I'm awake now. His eyes scan mine, only to see pain filled oceans of blue. He opens his mouth to talk, but it just stays that way. Pain fills his own eyes and I try to grip his hand, but only feel more of the burning pain, which has now escalated to every movement, touch, breath, and sensation I feel, turns into pure agony.

 I squeak out a small reply, but it sounds more like a question.

 "Ashley...the hurts..." I say, digging my nails into his hand as a new wave of pain floods over me. My mouth opens to scream, but nothing comes out. His face turns from sad and tired to panicked and worried. He calls a nurse into the room, and I feel darkness creep into my vision again.

 No. I will not go back to the darkness! I will stay with Ashley!

 The nurse walks over and pulls out a syringe, poking it into my arm and pushing the liquid down into me. It empties, slowly, and I feel the pain beginning to recede.

 What? This must be morphine, because it works better than the Advil did. The burning stops, but I still feel warm. Too warm, it's like I have a fever.

 That's it, I must have a fever or something. A bad case of the flu, but, why didn't I feel it before? It only happened this one time...

 Ashley keeps his hand in mine, talking as soon as the pain completely stops.

 "It's okay Andy, you're going to be okay." he soothes, reaching with his free hand and running it through my hair.

 "What's...wrong with me..." I breathe out, glancing around the room and back to Ashley's eyes.

 "Well, at first Jinxx thought I had turned you. He was about to blow me up but then I told him I didn't. We brought you to the hospital, but they don't know whats wrong either. What kind of pain is it, maybe that could help?" he says, his hand never leaving mine.

 "It's a burning pain. Everything I touched felt like fire to me..." I say, trying to fight the incredible urge not to die, because it feels like I will any moment. Ashes gives me a small smile, turning around and talking to thin air.


 I look behind him and see Jinxx, Jake, and CC. I didn't them here before. Fuck supernatural shit, they could have just used the fucking door!

 Jinxx walks over to me, his eyes glowing with a weird yellow color. More like mustard, if you ask me, but yellow none the less. He puts his hand on my forehead, and the other on my stomach. The burning starts to flare up again, and as soon as it does, it's gone.

 What the serious fuck?

 The fever disappears, and so does the rest of the pain. I slowly sit up as Jinxx walks away, a slightly angry look in his eyes. Ashley hugs hugs me, pulling me close as he sits on the bed.

 "What just happened?" I ask confused and slightly worried that it would come back, even though whatever Jinxx did got rid of it.

 "It was a curse, I don't know how you got it, but someone hexed you!" Jinxx says from across the room.

 Someone cursed me? And that was a curse? I sure as fuck don't want to get another one!

 "Well, is it going to come back? Because my body won't be able to take it again..." I tail off, leaning into Ashley for comfort. Jake looked pissed off and walks out of the room. Huh, weird...

 CC and Jinxx stand by us, as I get up to pull on my clothes. I hate these hospital gowns, they show way too much that needs to be known...

 As soon as I change we all head out. Jinxx and CC stand behind us as me and Ashley walk ahead. One of the nurses gives us a look of fright and begins to say something when Jinxx whispered in her ear.

 She immediately shut up and went back to work. No one else bothered us, I guess his spells are useful at times, when he doesn't blow anything up. We all walked out, and Jake had already gotten the van, which was owned my Jinxx, started and ready to head off.

 As we got into the car, I stared out the window, gripping Ashley's hand tightly as he wrapped his arms around me. I looked over at Jinxx and CC, their expressions matching. They both looked pissed.

 "I'm going to guess, that one of those Hunters hexed me, right?" I ask, feeling the grip to my hand tighten even more.

 "Probably, it's not the first time. It was a fire spell, it would have eventually killed you." Jinxx reply's, his eyes glowing yellow as he says the last part.

 Okay, these guys are serious business then, right?

 I lean into Ashley more, hiding my face in his chest. He hugs me tightly as we turn into the apartment complexes parking lot. We all hop out and run inside, up the elevator and to my apartment.

 I walk in and crash on my bed. I feel exhausted and tired, but I'm sure sleep won't come. Someone sits down beside me, and pulls me into their lap.

 Ashley. He always finds a way to make me smile.

 "Everything is going to be okay, don't worry. Unless it's another vampire or something, I'm sure you'll be fine!" he says into my ear. I feel like kissing him every minute we sit like this. I eventually lean in and kiss him. He licks my lower lip, asking for entry to my mouth. Our tongues dance slightly as I taste him.

 Bubble gum and beer. Just like Ashley.

 Suddenly Jake barges into our room, panting and breathing hard.

 "Guys, this is something you might wanna see!" he breathes to us. We both, hand in hand, walk out of the room and peer into the living room.

 It looks fine to me...

 "What the- I was cut off by red paint splattered on the far wall of the living room. My hand reached up and covered my mouth, as I slide to the ground in complete shock and worry.

 On the wall, in big red letters, it says the most mind boggling sentence I've ever read.

 Were coming for you, White Rabbit.

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