When Blood Meets Rain

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hello, my dearest friends and vampires...


Music is in sidebar

Happy reading my dearest halflings ^^


 The pain increases as I feel more of my blood being sucked out of my body. I gasp in total shock and pain. My vision blurs slightly before I feel my body fall to the floor,  the pain escaping my body along with a few drops of my blood that hits the floor. I attempt to get up, to see why Juliet stopped killing me, only to see some girl who looks like Ashley snapping Juliet's neck.

 What the holy mother of fuck?

 Feeling lightheaded and weak, I look over at Ashley, only to see him more surprised than me. Both the woman and Ashley quickly jump on the shocked Vampire, tearing him to shreds in the process. I lay back on the floor, holding the spot where Juliet sank her fangs into me, when I hear the small conversation shared between Ashley and the woman.

 "Lynn, what the hell are you doing here!?" I hear Ashley squeak out, in between panting breaths as he walks over to my side.

 "It looked like you needed help to save your mate from becoming food, so I helped! You can thank me later." she says, her brown eyes flashing bright red for a moment. Ashley wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me up into a sitting position before gently moving my hand away from my bleeding neck. He leans in and licks it a few times, and I don't feel the blood pouring out of my neck anymore. I slowly raise my hand to my neck to feel the wound had closed.

 Whoa, vampires heal wounds with their saliva? I don't want to know what else they can do, just as long as I regain the feeling back in my body from blood loss.

 Ashley picks me up bridal style knowing I can't walk, much less sit up without falling over, and leaves the attic room and heads downstairs. Lynn follows us down, her hands folded over her chest, before setting her eyes on the rest of the guys. Everyone looked covered in blood and torn to bits, but all the vampires were finally dead. Sammi had a few cuts along her arms, her forehead was lightly bleeding and she was limping slightly.

 Jinxx looks relatively okay, seeing as he was in the air the whole time, protected by some magical force field or whatever. Jake looks beat up pretty bad, but CC was already helping out with their wounds so I'm sure their okay. Ashley jumps over the railing, down to the ground floor with precision. Jinxx looks over at me worriedly, before Ashley sets me on the couch. Or what's left of it anyway.

 Jinxx quickly walks over, taking my pulse and looking over the small scars on my neck gently, before speaking to anyone.

 "He'll live, he didn't lose that much blood, but he'll be lightheaded for a while. Juliet didn't plan on turning him, did she?"  he asks us, and I wonder how he knew it was Juliet who bit me.

 Ashley speaks before the rest of us can even squeak out a comment.

 "No, but she didn't plan on completely killing him either, even though her mate did. Their minds are way too easy too read sometimes..." he sighs, sitting down next to me. My vision begins to blur, and the lightheaded feeling returns with a vengeance.

 I give Ashley one last look before I feel darkness take over my body. It didn't feel like sleep, but It probably was because of how much blood I felt her take from me. The darkness was quiet, but I could think. During sleep, even a dreamless sleep, you don't think. You do.


 I feel my body being picked up and moved somewhere. I don't know where but obviously somewhere. Wait, if I could feel stuff outside of my body, but I'm supposedly sleeping, and I in a coma of sorts or is this some weird curse?

 I don't hear anything. I only feel my body, but even this sense fades away with a numbing sensation after a while. The darkness stays the same. No sound, no movement, no anything. Just thinking.

What the hell, why can't I just wake up already?

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