Darkness Takes Hold

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Happy reading my halflings ;D


 I'd never think that I'd get tired of the darkness, because it was all I had known growing up. The bullies always pushed me around, calling me 'fag' for 'emo'. But it wasn't long after that began that they started beating me up. I didn't have anyone to turn to. My parents tried to help, but it didn't work the way they planned.

 I turned to the darkness, it's guidance helping me through my high school years. It seemed my only friend until I met the guys. Then I faded away from it, but I had never gotten to the point of being sick of looking at it.

 But I find myself getting sick of it now. I don't feel anything. I can't hear a sound, or smell anything. I only see darkness, and I'm sick and tired of it. It feels like I've spent an eternity here.

 But the pain is new. I feel a burning sensation running up my body, engulfing me in a pain I never new.  It wasn't even like the pain I had when I was cursed. It hurt, yes, but at the same time...

 It was pleasurable. I liked the burn of the pain. I liked how everything began to change as soon as I felt the pain. The darkness swirled around, pulling me close and giving out a rainbow of colors. The colors swirled around with the darkness, making the burning sensation grow through my body, the pain and pleasure increasing in me.

 Is this how it feels like to die? I hope I'm not dead, Ashley would be heartbroken...

 And I would never see my lovely again.

 Suddenly, all the colors jerk away from my body, or at least, I feel myself waking up now, so I'll stick with that. White light fills my vision, and the burning sensation turns into pure agony. It fills my stomach up with a pain so cold and deadly it's like getting all of your limbs ripped off at once. I open my mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. Not a sound is heard. The pain moves from my stomach to my chest in a matter of seconds, spreading like a wildfire through my body. It feels like my heart is helping this feeling along, every part of my body slowly increasing with pain every time I feel it beat.


 The white light turns grey, and I can hear the quiet sound of talking in a closed room. I can't make out what anyone says, but it sounds like they're worried. Am I dying, is this what death feels like?


 The pain all but disappears, going straight into my head. My eyes burn slightly, the feeling of fire and pain shooting through the sockets, into my head and down my back once more. My teeth feel as if they've been stuck in a ice cream cone, the familiar sensitivity of cold things filling my mouth and bursting out with pain.


 I feel sharp teeth rip out from the top of my mouth, the blood dripping out the side as I feel my body obeying and moving at my command. My mouth open for a scream that's never heard.


 The pain disappears, leaving me with exhausting breathing and a small whimper of pain. The burning pain may be gone, but not the pain of the new two sharp teeth in my mouth. I open my eyes, the light of the room blinding me. I look around, seeing it's my old bedroom. I grip the red sheets of my bed in a quiet plea for the pain to stop. I look around the room again, only to see things much more clearer than I did before. It's as if everything it bathed in a clear film, like a movie. I can see every small crack in the wall you wouldn't notice before.

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