Powers And More Crazy Shit To Deal With....

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SO!!! i guess its time for an UPDATE!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

 so sue me and get the fuck over it, im back now lets read! (write for me, i am the author..)

 Music in sidebar like always ;D

Happy Reading my fellow halfings!


 I finish my quick shower and wrap the towel around my waist, grabbing the spare and drying my hair of quickly. Looking into the foggy mirror, I gently place my hand on the foggy parts, slowly wiping away so that I can see my face.

 I'm a bit more paler, almost a sickly pale, and my eyes still shine bright silver. Sighing, I pull on a over sized Misfits shirt and a pair of Batman pajama pants. I throw the towel over my head, leaving the bathroom to join Ashley and CC in the living room. They were the experts on vampirism so CC decided to spend a few weeks with us, only to the dismay of Ashley. Him and his sex drive of a rabbit...

 I quickly pull out of the though at the weird sensation of something being wrong. Ashley looks over the couch edge and into my eyes, and I feel him reading my mind. CC look up from his video game and stare at me. He can't read minds, but his power is just as good as it. Apparently, he can influence emotions and thought of people. Easy to use when your in need of a quick feed.

 "Something's not right..." I whisper to myself, turning around and looking behind me. Nothing is there, but, why do I have a strange feeling that something is? I quickly shake it off, planting myself beside Ashley and leaning into his chest. CC goes back to his video game, and Ash wraps his arms around my fragile frame.

 "What's wrong angel?" he asks, and I just shake my head to him.

 "Nothing, just paranoid I guess..." I say, looking down and play with a strand of fabric from the couch. Wrapping it around my fingers and tugging it lightly. I can't seem to shake this feeling of someone watching me. Ashley must've read my mind again, because he pulls me close to him, and CC quickly jumps up from his game to check around the house.

 I squish myself into his chest, remembering the blood and gore I had seen at Jinxx's house. All those vampires, dead with body parts everywhere, blood splattered the walls and made it look like fucking decorations! Shuddering at the memory, I hear  CC let out a muffled yelp and something crashing in the back room. Ashley jumps up with me in his arms, practically flying into the guest bedroom. CC lay on the floor, bleeding from his head and unconscious. A dresser is knocked over and shattered glass lay on the floor. A black figure rushes at Ashley, knocking him to the ground as quick as gravity pulls you to the floor.

 "Get off of him!" I screech out as the figure slashes his claws into Ashley's chest. Blood squirts out and splatters onto the walls.

 So much blood...

 "Ashley! No!" I yell out, tackling the figure to the ground and feeling a burning sensation in my hands. This fucker isn't going to live if Ashley dies from his wounds. I'd rather watch the fires of hell freeze over!

  I feel a deep burning sensation scourge through my body, frightening me and the figure. I feel the burning sensation rip through my shoulder blades, a flame of fire seemingly ripping through my back. I scream out in pain, looking over my back to see wings made of fire stretch out and flap slightly. I loom in awe and shock, how the hell did that happen!? I don't care, I turn back to the figure, shoveing my hand into his chest and ripping the insides out. I feel my wings of fire wrap around my body, seemingly burning my body. But the burn is, pleasurable? It doesn't hurt anymore. Like the burn has left my body completely.

  I slowly unwrap the wings from around my body, feeling a deep calm run through me. I look down at the figure to see his body set aflame. Did I do that? I don't think I did...

 I turn around, running to Ashley's side. Blood gushes out of three large claw marks in his chest.

 "Ashes...don't you fucking die on me!" I sob quietly, grasping his hand in one of mine and placing my other on a wound. His eyes flutter to me,then to my back. I don't care about what happened to me, I just want Ashley to be okay!

 Teardrops land on his gashes, and I rest my head on his chest slowly. I wish he would be okay. I wish that it was me the demon or whatever it was jumped at! Don't take Ashley away from me! I can't live without him!

 I scream out in emotional pain, looking back into Ashley's eyes once more to see them dulling over slightly. No! You can't take him!

 "Don't take my angel away from me...please!" I plead to no one, watching as the blood keeps pouring out of the wounds. I suddenly get the urge to place my hands on his chest. A wave of calm washes over me again, as it did before. I do it, placing my hands over his heart. A white light spreads over the wounds, closing them up as if they were never there. I remove my hands as the last of the wounds are closed up, running my fingers along the faint scars and looking over at Ashley again.

 "How did...I do that!?" I ask him, as he regains his strength and sits up. He looks over at me and back to my wings again.

 "I think you were gifted with Healing and Fire..." he says, and I feel the heat of my wings extinguish, watching as the flames go out and turn into midnight black feathers, slowly wrapping around my body. Feeling lightheaded all of the sudden, I fall into Ashley's grasp, feeling darkness take over my mind again.

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