There Always Be A Difference

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Suddenly the earth beneath them shook, if Perrie didn't no any better she would of said it was an earthquake but...they didn't get any earthquake's in london! Let alone England, what was going on? Was this just anouther affect like the coldness caused by the Inqusiter?

The Inqusiter looked shocked as well, well as shocked as a skull could look anyway as it hissed "No! It can't be..."

Whatever happened gave Perrie some to remove her hands from the table.

And she desporatly tried to pull free from her restraints, she even used her vampire strength when it was clear no amount of human strength would remove the metal clamps.

She felt the metal creak but nothing else, it wouldn't budge! Perrie started to panick as the ground beneath her gave anouther violant shake, throwing her and the chair she was tied to the ground.

Then "Hello! Perrie! Anyone?? Are you there!" A voice rung out behind the door and Perrie almost cried with releaf...Zayn!!

Perrie opened her mouth to yell but all she got out was "Z!-" because as that moment the inqusiter covered her mouth with it's bony fingers and Perrie's voice became muffled and Zayn called out again "Is anyone there?" Perrie desporatly tried to get away from the inqusiter but it was no use.

Zayns footsteps started to become further away and Perrie suddenly managed to call apon a small force field which forced the Inqusiter away, she would of tried to get a bigger force field but to do that she needed to concentrate and at the moment her mind was full of Panick.

She was still trapped in the chair unable to move she was just about to scream Zayn's name when suddenly the door was blasted down and a wave of heat smacked into the room.

Zayn stood in the door way, one of his hands held danceing flames that licked his fingertips and brightened up the room.

His eyes reflected the huge fire ball in his hand.

Zayn asked giving her a triumphant grin "Missed me?" he asked.

Zayn didn't seem to see the inqusiter, all his focus was on Perrie as he rushed to her and then before Perrie could respond he with a very quick and strong tug managed to snap the metal clamps of her, Perrie despite the situation felt herself pout, how did he manage to get those clampeds of so easily when she couldn't?

Zayn seemed to read her expression as he gave her a winning smile he said "They only break of with the right amount of force, if you pull to hard or to softly then you've got no chance of breaking them, Amy told me about them and how to break them"

Perrie asked suprised "you've talked to Amy?"

Zayn nodded "Yeah, Harry and Niall are freeing them, I was with them but I noticed you wern't there and they told me where you were and I came to get you"

Perrie nodded excepting this answer, they turned to go when "Not so fast children!" A familer and terrifying voice hissed.

The inqusiter had its hood up but was standing in front of the door.

Perrie was so close to Zayn she felt a shudder going through him and a low rumble come from his chest, Perrie quickly realised Zayn had just let out a low and angry growl in the Inqusiters direction.

She could now see how pissed of Zayn looked, his hands were clenched into fists and he looked like he was wondering if he should punch the Inqusiter in the face or kill it. She could also feel heat emitting from Zayns skin, it was like she was sitting near a radiator.

"What were you about to do to her before I came in?' Zayn more than hissed, baring his teeth slightly in anger that suddenly seemed much sharper than usual.

The Inqusiter sneered "it was just a part of the trial, no harm done"

Zayn retorted "Yeah! Because I managed to get her out of it!! Amy told me your so called customers can be killed in this dam part of the trial!!! She told me that you were only meant to interrogate people who committed things like murder!"

The Inqusiter snorted and waved its bony hand dismissively "Times have changed since your dear freind came here, I integrate everyone who commits a crime now and I have to say its much more fun".

Zayn snapped disgusted "killing people that are may be innocent is fun??".

The Inqusiter laughed darkly "You are telling me of child? Was it not so long ago that you thought and found joy of killing, the thrill of their fear? The power that their blood gave you?".

Zayn stiffened as did Perrie as she choked "You know who we are?".

The inqusiter said coldly "I know what you are..."

Zayn hissed angrily "There isn't a difference!"

The Inqusiter said smoothly and cooly "Whether you like it or not there always will be a difference".

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