Let Him Go

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Amber gasped "Quick! In here!"

They hurried into a smaller room, slamming the door behind them. Amber said panicing slightly "I don't know how long we've got but-" 

Harry said slowly "Amber" 

She carried on not hearing him "But we've got to do something, do-" 

Harry said again "Amber" 

Amber huffed "Don't interupt me, we've got to focus-" 

Harry snapped "Amber!" 

She spun around to face him irritiblty "What?!" 

Harry retorted, pointing at what was to the back of the room, that she hadn't seen "That!" 

She stiffened as she like Harry stared at a gient Mirror.

Amber asked, feeling a strange energy coming from the mirror "Whats that?" 

Harry walked towards it, feeling a strange pull, he squinted at the mirror that had mist swirling inside it instead of their reflection, he said "I'm not sure, though it looks familer..." 

"What are you doing? Get back here!" Amber hissed at him as he walked closer to the mirror. 

Harry stared into the mist of the mirror then...for a second he swore he saw some black eyes watching him from inside the mirror. But that second was all he needed...With an aching, burning pain inside his head, he gasped, cluching it in pain...Then he remembered....everything. 

Harry stepped backwards quickly from the compelling mirror, a memory of a familer wickid laugh flashing through his mind, he paled very quickly. 

"Harry?" Amber asked hesiantly. 

Harry said shakily "I remember..."

Amber shook her head, not getting it "What-"

Harry groaned "Shit, shit, Shit!"

Amber snapped "Harry! What is going on?" 

Harry took a deep breath, turning around to face her, she was still holding the door closed "You know when I couldn't remember what happened to me? Well, now I do. Its the mirror Amber!" 

Amber gave him a look like she thought he was crazy. 

Harry sighed with slight frustration and a little exitedly "I got changed into a human inside that Mirror, Amber. I fought my evil self and I won but winning took away everything bad about me, or evil, that included my vamperism, don't you get it? To turn back into a vampire I need to go into that Mirror!"

Amber groaned "What are you talking about?" 

Harry told her "Just look" 

Amber watched wide eyes as Harry, sure of himself, walked straight up to the mirror and put his hand out. To Ambers shock Harry's hand went into the mirror!

Amber gasped "How?" 

Harry said, taking his hand out sharpish in case something pulled him through, his reflection, mainly that must still be in the mirror. 

Harry not wanting to go into detail with what had happened to him in the mirror shrugged  "I'm not really sure"

Harry repeated to her hesiantly "Do turn into a vampire again I need to enter this mirror again" 

Amber asked hurridly "You sure?" 

Harry nodded, looking grim. 

They both stiffened as they heard voices behind the wall "They went this way!" 

Amber pleaded "You don't have to do this"

Harry said heatidly "There's nothing else we can do! They'll be able to open that door soon and when they come we both need to be ready for them"

Amber shook her head, grasping his wrist "No. There has to be another way" 

Harry snapped "If you've got any suggestions I'd love to hear them"

Amber stayed silent and Harry sighed, pulling slightly with his arm that she was holding, though no use agaisnt her supernatural strength "I need to do this, hell I want to do this...Please Amber, let me go"

Suddenly something hard slammed into the door. They heard someone yell "They came in here! Open it! Open the door!" 

"Amber" Harry warned, looking worriedly at the door that Amber was no longer holding shut, only the locks were stopping the slayers from getting in. 

Amber stared at him for a long time. She knew what she needed to do but still...He was better as a human. 

Amber said desporatly "But you won't be you any more, you could turn into a shadow, what then? You're better like this Harry, more...innocent, you're not dammed like me. The guilt I have for turning you left me, I finally felt free, please..."

Harry replied, his voice taking on a gentler tone and a little lighter "If I turn into a shadow then you'll stop me, just like you did last time. Even though i'll be different then I'll still be me, all I'd need was a kiss" Then he turned more serious "I know I'm better like this but I unfortunatly don't live in the human world an more, where I was ignorant to all the dangers out there, sometimes I wish I still was" 

Amber looked down in shame, knowing it was her who changed all that. 

Harry said slowly, letting his words sink in, looking straight into her eyes. "But there are people who want to kill us, I can't defend myself as a human, you can't protect me forever, please Amber, let me do this"

The door gave another shake and Amber saw it starting to crack as the slayers started to force the door open. 

Let him go

The words echoed in her head and they even seemed familer like someone had said them before. 

She knew what she needed to do but it didn't make it any easier... 

Amber muttered "Fine, fine"

Harry sighed at her hurt tone "Amber-" 

Amber let him go "Go on then" She said flatly. 

Harry took her face in his hands and kissed her on the forhead, ignoring her stiffen as he told her sweetly "I'll be back soon, okay?" 

Then with that he walked over to the mirror and with a deep breath, feeling like something evil was watching him from the mirror...He stepped inside.

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