The Owl, The Snake And The Knife.

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She said "Sit down dear, Come on don't be shy"

Zayn sat down next to her feeling stumped, he realised his mouth was hanging over and he quickly clamped it shut so he didn't look like a gaping fish.

She said "Right down to business dear, I'm the seer and I will be telling you your future, your future has many twists and turns I tell you that right now"

The Seer reached out in her pocket and got out a stack of cards.

She said "Pick any card my dear and I will tell what your future holds"

Zayn picked up a card hesitantly and turned it around an huge owl with orange eyes stared up at him.

He looked at the Seer feeling confused.

The seer murmerd "Secrets are in your future dear, secrets that are better of not spoken of and yet..."

The Seer pointed to the beak of the owl which was opened wide "And yet you will speak of them anyway"

The seer told Zayn "Pull out two more cards dear"

Zayn slowly did so.

The Seer turned over one card but this card had a heart on it but...a green snake was wrapped around the heart sqeezing it, Zayn put his hand to his non beating heart as if he could feel it being squeezed right now.

The Seer sighed "Oh no"

Zayn asked dreading the answer. "What is it?"

The Seer said "The heart as you may well have guessed is love...but the problem we have here is this.."

The Seer pointed to the green evil looking snake wrapped around the heart.

The Seer said slowly looking at him in sympathy "The snakes are sly things dear, they manipulate you and use you, your love will be your weakness"

Zayn opened his mouth to protest but the Seer said interrupting him "Love can be a strong gift and yet it will bring you great pain, your weakness is your love for the girl waiting in the back room, Perrie? Is her name?"

Zayn nodded feeling speechless.

The Seer said hauntenly "She's the only person who truly has control over you, be careful Zayn, the bad guys know it to, she just may just be the death of you"

Zayn felt a shiver go down his spine.

The Seer turned over the last card...a knife dripping with blood.

Zayns eyes widened even more and a sliver of fear and dread ran down him.

The Seer said grimly "Have you ever heard of being back stabbed? A deep Betrayel by someone close to you...I foresee in your future...this one I feel is not a possibility"

She looked him steadily in the eyes and said sadly "It will come to pass"

The Seer told Zayn "though I don't think you need anymore help, you can go, use the black door over there then wait for everybody to join you"

Zayn nodded feeling numb at what she'd told him he walked out of the black door, his mind already on the knife dripping with blood.

"You will be betrayed"

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