The Fight For Control

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I felt a slight pain as I opened my eyes, I was in nothing? Everything was black, I couldn't see anything!

What was going on?

Suddenly I was picked up and thrown across the darkness, like I weighed as little as a feather and I hit the ground hard.

I let out a groan of pain.

"What's the matter Harry? Can't see in the dark?" A cold familier voice sneered near me.

I got up shakily, I looked around for him or was it me? This reflection stuff was confusing.

I swear my reflection was right by me!

"I'm over here" he called out mockingly as If he could read my idiot of course he can!

It was one of my powers, he can do anything I can do, right?

I spun around as his voice suddenly hissed near my ear "Right"

But still I could see nothing, where the hell was he?

I frowned then I yelled knowing it would get a reaction out of him, it would get a reaction out of me so as we were kind of the same person, I figured he'd react the same.

I yelled "Your such a coward! Come out and face me!"

Suddenly I was pushed again hard but this time I managed to flip in the air and land gently on the ground, facing my scowling reflection.

He growled "I am not! A coward"

I smiled slightly at making him angry noting that he'd reacted how I thought he would, I hated being called a coward to.

My reflection scowled even more when he saw my smile, he would of known what I was going to do if he read my thoughts but I guess like me he didn't tend to use the reading thoughts power much.

Even though it could be very useful.

I stared at the double of me who was now smiling nastily back, I felt a slice of fear, had I really looked that scary and intimidating as a shadow?

He grinned evilly as he moved and we began to circle each other.

I asked "Where are we? You pushe-"

My reflection said shortly "We're in the mirror, idiot"

I blinked startled then frowned, it was strange looking at myself and my reflection talking like me (I liked calling people idiots a lot) and behaving simile to me (The reaction to coward)

My reflection said "Yeah we're so alike you and me" he said it in a way that made it difficult for me to tell if he was being serious or mocking me but I still shook my head and said stiffly "No we're not"

My shadow self raised his eyebrow and taunted "That's not what the Seer thought is it?"

I gritted my teeth as my reflection carried on irritating the hell out of me, he looked like he was enjoying it to.

"She seemed to think, I was very strong inside you...almost, you could say, overpowering?"

I hissed unable to contain myself, my fangs flashing out "You are not in control of me!"

My Evil side said in a snide yet calm tone "Not yet I'm not, but that's about to change"

I snarled "Over my dead body!" I lunged at him.

But He was ready for me, before I could get to him, his hands wrapped around my throat, he stumbled slightly because of my momentum but he was still able to lift me into the air quite easily.

My reflection tutted "Over your dead body? Now that can't be true Harry"

He put his other hand on my chest where my still, unbeating heart was and said "Because you are already dead" He said all these things in an irritatingly calm, innocent voice but his facial expression was far from innocent.

It just made me want to punch him really hard. How had Amber even bloody kissed him?

My reflection sneered "Quite easily"

I shook my head remembering the kiss "No, I...No, you kissed her, it wasn't the other way around!"

My reflection just smirked at me and then he slammed me hard to the ground, I winced hearing my bones creak and feeling them rub on the floor.

My reflection suddenly shoved his fist at my face, I dived out the way just in time, wincing as I heard a crack as his fist hit the floor, the ground shook with the force of the punch.

My eyes widened in shock of the pure strength behind his punch, I would of died right then he'd gotten me with that punch.

He growled at me as he stood up, the growl was filled with power and echoed across the darkness.

My reflections features suddenly became even more vampiric.

His skin paled even more, his eyes darkened and he snarled animalisticly at me, his lips peeling back as he bared his sharp teeth and fangs that looked much bigger and sharper than my own.

I stepped backwards with an intake of breath.

It was like the reflection that had been taunting me was completely gone, in his place was a monster that wanted me dead.

He was looking at me like I was his prey, I knew what those low dangerous growls meant.

I felt myself reacting to my reflections current state of mind, I couldn't stop myself from crouching and letting out a hiss of warning, like a snake.

He let out a snarl Back at me as he slowly moved closer, like he was stalking me.

I let out a gasp of shock as I felt a primal urge to attack him and rip his throat out...but they wern't my urges! They were his!

We were still connected and him being in his vampire state was affecting me big time, I didn't feel like I had any control over my body as I bared my teeth at him, a very vampire like movement when they felt threatened or angry.

I was defiantly feeling threatened.

He lunged suddenly at my throat, I moved out of the way in time and kicked out hard, he went flying in the opposite direction but like I'd done before he flipped in mid air and landed smoothly on the ground.

Before he could make a move this time I leaped at him and took a swipe at his legs, he jumped out of the way easily and aimed a punch at my stomach but I moved out of the way but he got my side instaid of my stomach.


That hurt!

I clutched my throbbing side as I backed up slightly.

My reflection sneered at me and sent a side kick into my chest with shocking force and speed which I couldn't avoid or block, it sent me flying in the opposite direction and crashing down onto the floor before I could even think.

My reflection was suddenly right by me, his foot stopping me from moving, he looked les vampiric now his fangs where away.

I was pinned on the black floor, his leg on my chest, pushing down on my rib cage, I could feel them cracking from underneath me.

He sneered "So long Harry" and his pale fist came pummelling down to my face...

(Cliff Hanger!!!! I know I'm Evil) :))

I'm going to see percy Jackson the sea of monsters today, really exited :) Don't forget to vote and comment and hope you have a nice day :)

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