The Olive Tree, The Quicksand And The Knife

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Liam was soon called into the small room with Emily, Niall looked even more like he was going to throw up once Emily called Liam in, leaving Niall alone.

Liam was sqwaushed into this small room with Emily waiting for him, she told him to stand next to her and wait, Liam did so, a million things rushing through his head that he wanted to ask her "So...uh, do you have a sister?"

Emily stiffened at Liam's question and her eyes narrowed and she asked "Why do you want to know that?"

Liam said licking his lips nerversly "I think I may know her..You look familier and your surname sounds the same at yours"

Emily asked testing him "Whats her name then?"

Liam said "Is it Danniele?"

Emily didn't reply for a couple of seconds then said firmly "How do you know her?"

Liam blinked "Wait, I was right? She is your sister? But I swear she's not a sorcerous..."

Emily said looking wary at talking to him about her "She's not...She used to be..."

Liam pressed "What do you mean?"

Emily sighed and looked away as she explained "In a sorcerous family the mother useauly only has one daughter, that's it, we were rare, but there is a law that if the mother does have more than one daughter, at the age of 16, they will fight each other in a competition, the winner keeps her sorcerous powers, the other has her powers stripped away...I won"

Liam asks slowly "So where is she now?"

Emily shrugged "I don't know, after I won she was bitter" Emily turned paler and her voice quitened down "S-she said she hated me, she ran of...I herd she'd become a dancer, that's the last I heard of her"

Liam never felt so awkward in his life, what was he meant to say? Oh I may have been dating your long lost sister a while back?

Liam looked Emily over,she really does look like Danielle he realised but with small differences that seemed to make her look more mystical...and hot.

"Have I got something on my face?" Emily asked him looking irritated.

Liam knew his face would of been as red as a tomato if he could blush. Liam looked away and mumbled "Oh, uh nothing"

Emily frowned at him then she stiffened then relaxed and told him "Ok, it's your turn now"

The door in front of them opened silently then Liam as Emily started to leave him from the door behind Liam grabbed her small wrist.

"Wait! Will I see you again?" Liam asked quickly.

Emily shrugged "Who knows what the future holds?"

Liam frowned as she easily removed her hand from his iron grip and moved out of his way so he could face the Seer.

Liam walked through the doors, he was greeted by cosy brightly coloured room with a old lady sitting at a desk, cards layed out along the table.

Liam said standing there awkwardly "Er, Hi?"

The Old lady told him pleasantly "Why don't you sit down Liam? We have a lot to talk about"

Liam blinked a couple of times then said "Wait, so you're the seer?"

The Seer nodded and said "Please sit down Liam"

Liam walked over and sat down, the Seer quickly told him about how her cards helped tell them his future.

The Seer said "Okay then, why don't you pick up your first card dear?"

Liam picked up a card randomly on his left and turned it over, a picture olive tree stood proud and tall on the card.

Emily had dark green eyes, they were the colour of those olives on the tree in the picture Liam thought as he looked at the card.

The Seer said "Ahh, finally a good card'

"What does it mean?" Liam asked.

The Seer told him "Do you know what an olive branch symbolises?"

Liam said "Um, piece? I think?"

The Seer smiled up at him "Yes, you must remember this card Liam, in your darkest time you must remember this card, only the olive tree reminds us of what we are fighting for, I am extremely pleased to see this card but worried at the same time"

Liam frowned "Why?"

The Seer said "Well, why do you need piece? There's only the slayers your fighting against and that's not really fighting, this card only came up once before, and in a couple of months time we had made piece with the other night creatures, including vampires and Werewolf's, why would you need piece if you're not fighting?"

Liam finally understood what she meant and his face creased in worry.

"Would you like to pick another card?" The Seer asked gently.

Liam picked up a card in the middle then turned it over, Liam's eyes widened as he saw a picture of sand? And a skull sunken into the sand, Liam felt an icy feeling come over him and hairs standing up on his arms.

I'm guessing this isn't a nice card" Liam said slowly.

Liam wondered randomly what Emily would think of this card, he wondered if she'd ever had a session with the Seer, what was in Emily's future? Liam frowned why was he thinking so much about her?

He was aware the seer was talking but he wasn't really paying attention, it was just so strange, how could Danniles sister be a sorcerous? What was the likelyhood that after he'd turned into a vampire he'd meet Emily? Liam thought its true what they say, the world is really a small place...


Liam blinked coming back to reality and said awkwardly "So uh, what does the card mean?"

The Seer said irritable "Your end, you'll probably die"

Liam's eyes widened as he yelped "What? No! It means that?! I-"

The Seer cut him of angrily "No it doesn't! But it could of done, that's my point, stop drooling over Emily and pay attention! I've been trying to get your attention for at least over 5 minutes. I could of seen that it meant the earth was going to be destroyed and you wouldn't of bloody noticed!"

Liam scowled at her but knew if he'd been human he probably would of been blushing with embarrassment.

The Seer said stiffly "It's a warning, quicksand could mean a number of things but the skull on the other hand is easier to see, deathly peril lies in your future whether its your own demise or one of your friends that remains to be seen but it is not certain meaning if you make the right choices you can easily change it"

Liam asked "But what about the quicksand?"

The Seer said "The meaning is unclear as quicksand could as I said before a number of things, it could be symbolising that someone will deceive you as quick sand pretends to be just normal sand intill it is to late, maybe someone is pretending to be your friend intill it is to late?"

Liam's jaw tightened as he said his voice strained "I don't believe any of my friends would betray me, what else could it mean?"

The Seer said slowly "That danger lies in your path or you will become stuck in a situation you will not be able to get out of or you could be overwhelmed by something, maybe something physical like something evil you will fight or mentally by your shadow side or just your emotions coursing a mental bake down, it could easily just mean you will become extremely bogged down in your emotions meaning something that unsettles you a lot could happen"

Liam felt slightly dizzy with all the possible answers, Liam said dryly "Right, that helps a lot"

The Seer gave him a sad smile then said her voice suddenly wary yet clipped "Would you choose another card Liam?"

Liam reached out and turned the card over, he took a sharp intake of breath at what he saw...

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