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She...she was a vampire? And she was alone, the other girls had been taken once the guys had gone through the Inquisitor, it was just her and Niall left. Suddenly her new sense of hearing Amy picked up guards walking towards the door. 

"Lets pick up the dead meat" One of them sneered. 


So she had almost died but then, how did they know? Niall's words came to her "I'm sorry.." 

What did Niall have to do with this? Everything was disorganised in her head, she couldn't cope with it. She felt different and...hungry. Oh wow did those guards smell good. Wait-what was she thinking? She couldn't... 

Yet no guilt came to mind. And Amy suddenly realised that when she had thought of Niall no feelings had come, no flutter in her stomach or anything and she felt strongly dispatched from him and her...friends. She didn't feel anything for them but despite that Amy knew she hadn't got a clue what to do... Break out of here and rake havoc in the streets, drinking who ever she could find, sounded fun but then... what then? 

Amy knew because of her thoughts she must be a shadow but it was so strange, she thought she'd feel evil? Or be out of control, mind you when Harry became a Shadow he'd been angry so maybe the state of mind affected you when you'd become a shadow? While the others had just followed Harry's lead because they were hungry and blood thirsty when they'd become shadows. 

She was the same but Amy had no intention going out of control, if she did, what then? Sure drinking Slayers around her sounded fun, especially how they had treated her in the past but she knew she couldn't take them all on. 

And she was also very curios at the vision she had just had. Amy didn't like it but the one thing she knew she would have to do to figure things and her mind out would be to get back to the others. 

But then Amy smiled wickedly as she pretended to be dead as the guards came in...

But first she decided... She'd have two meals of her own. 

The guards never knew what hit them. 

Meanwhile Niall was thrown into the cell with everybody else, who were waiting for him and Amy. I can't believe they took our powers Harry thought feeling empty. It felt like something had been teared out. 

"Hey, alright, alright" Snapped a voice. 

They all got up as Niall was manhandled into the cell. Niall growled at the slayers as they locked the door once again, leaving him with them. 

"Hey, you okay?" Harry asked. 

Niall nodded, frowning, then he looked a little dizzy "I feel weird, what did they-?" 

"They took your power away, like they did with us" Liam told him. 

Niall's eyes widened, they watched as he put his hand out and tried to call on his power, nothing happened. "No" Niall muttered, looking in shock then he said "You said they did it to everyone?" 

Perry said softly "Mine disappeared as soon as Zayn's did, like somehow we're connected" 

Louis clicked his fingers standing up "The imprint" 

Zayn grumbled "That would make sense" 

"Wait, Niall, where is Amy?" Louis asked suddenly, as if he was expecting her to come through the door like any second. It was unlike Niall to not ask about her first. 

"Oh yeah, I'm not sure, I thought she'd be here" Niall replied, frowning, looking confused. 

"She's probably coming" Eleanor said, shrugging. She was sitting next to Emily, who was sitting next to Liam, still not that comfortable to be around everyone and trying to get used to the imprint. 

"When she gets here, what will they do to us?" Harry wondered. 

"I don't know, kill us?" Louis muttered. 

"Don't talk like that" Eleanor huffed, still trying to be upbeat, they could get through this. 

Louis winced "Sorry" 

"They won't, as soon as Amy comes we're getting out of here" Amber said, standing up, she closed her hand around Harry's who smiled back at her, yes they would get through this. 

Like they always did. 

No one noticed that Niall's eyes weren't really the same blue, they were all used to...

Or his smile. 

A wicked smile. 

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