Chapter One

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I slammed the door to my room as I walked into it.


I just put my headphones in and was about to listen to music when Mikey, my brother, walked into the room.

"What do you want" I scoffed, looking at him.

"Nothing, it's just like I'm losing you. We never talk anymore and you always shut me out. You're going to be leaving soon and I wanted to talk to you before you do. I want to see what's up in your life." He said, looking down.

"Mikey, there's a reason I stay anti social, now please leave me alone." I say, pleading to him.

He walks out without making another sound, his head slightly hanging as he closes the door.

I put my headphones back in and I listen to music until I fall asleep.


Beep Beep Beep Beep

I wake up to the sound of my hellish alarm clock, telling me I have to go to hell, I mean school.

I groan as I slowly roll over to stop the alarm on my phone.

Just one more year until you graduate, it can't be that bad. I tell myself.

I slowly stumble to the kitchen, where I stare at the cereal in my bowl before finally deciding not to eat it and throw it away.

"Gerard, eat the cereal." Mikey says, a look of concern on his face.

"You're not my dad Mikes, I'll eat at school." I said, knowing I wouldn't.

"Like hell you will..." He mumbles, I let him think I didn't hear him.

I go back to my room, where I fix my hair a little, throw on some jeans and a hoodie and brush my teeth. Then I get my backpack and walk to school.

As soon as I walk in, I notice someone new in the office.

Damn, that boy is fine.

It's no secret I'm gay. No one actually cared, the only thing that changed was they started calling me faggot. Oh well.

"Watch it, Fag!" The school jock says as he runs into me, sending me to the ground.

I see the new kid rush out of the office. It's just now that I notice the tattoos covering his body. He runs over to me and lends a hand.

"Hey, names Frank, need some help?" He says, holding out a hand.

"Ummmmm, yeah. Sure." I said, letting him pull me up.

"Thanks..." I murmur, and walk away. I could swear I saw a look of sadness cross over his face as I left, but it was gone as fast as it came.

I walked to my locker and got all my books for my next class. When I walked in, I sat in my normal desk, in between my friends Ray and Brendon. The seat in front of me was empty.

The bell rang, and classes got started.


I walked outside of the school, like I always do, because I don't eat lunch.

Then I ran into someone. It was the same guy from earlier that pushed me.

"What did I say about getting in my way, Way?" He said, pulling me up by my shirt.

"Get your fucking hands off of me!" I screamed, hissing at him.

"Or what? The only person you ever hurt is yourself."

My eyes widened. He knew.

"That's right, I know you cut, Fucking attention whore! All you want is attention!" He screamed, spitting in my face.

-Mikey's POV-

I was in science class when I heard a scream. A scream only I would recognize. Gee.

I got up and ran as fast as I could to where the voice was coming from.

"Mikey Way get back here this instant!" My teacher screamed at me. I ignored him.

I got to the front door and started looking around anywhere and everywhere for him, and I didn't find him until I looked outside.

Gerard was getting repeatedly punched and kicked by the school jock, and he was bleeding from a few places.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF MY BROTHER YOU DIPSHIT!" I yelled, walking over to them.

"What are you going to do? He's already broken enough." The jock stated, smiling.

Just then my science teacher walked out. Convenient timing, how the jock got away before he got out here.

"Mr Way, what happened here?" He questioned, pointing to Gerard.

I didn't say anything. I picked Gerard up, and he was surprisingly light which worries me. I walked away from the school and walked home.

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