Chapter Eight

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Gerard's POV

It was now October 31st, Halloween. But also the day of another important event, Frank Iero's birthday.

I didn't go to sleep last night, mostly because I was worried he wouldn't like what I planned for him that day. I was going to be having a surprise birthday party for him, and I only invited a few people. Those people were myself, Ray, and Mikey. I don't really know how I was going to give him the Green Day tickets, but I'd find out a way.

As soon as I told Mikey what I had planned, he squealed. I swear to god he was a twelve year old girl.

I told Frank to be at my house at 5pm, so we could get ready to go trick or treating. Yes, we were seventeen and eighteen. And yes, we were going trick or treating still. What can I say? We're both still kids at heart.

It was noon, so I had five hours to get prepared. The party was going to be after we got home, so we weren't rushing through everything.

I quickly pulled out my phone and clicked on the contact named "❤️Frankie❤️". I typed a quick Happy Birthday and clicked send.

Frank's POV

I woke up to my phone buzzing from a text.

Gee: Happy Birthday!

I looked to see if there were any other messages, and there were two more. One from Ray and one from Mikey, both wishing me a happy birthday.

I replied to all of them with a thank you and started to get ready.

I took a quick look at myself in the mirror. I then realized there was a little bit of blood on my face near my lip piercing, it must have got caught on something again.

I wiped it off and continued to evaluate myself. I knew I shouldn't have been doing this, because whenever I did I just noticed imperfections on my body. I realized how skinny I was. I knew I needed to gain weight, but I just couldn't.

I stepped on the scale in my bathroom, the numbers showed a 103.7. I knew that meant I was underweight. I shook it off. I've looked at many BMI calculators, and they all said I was underweight, even for my height.

I sighed. I was trying to get better, after I saw what was happening to Gerard, and even to Mikey on a smaller scale, I knew I couldn't end up like that again. I had to be strong for them.

I stripped down and got into the shower, the cold water hitting my skin like drums. I started humming American Idiot by Green Day, and before I knew it I was screaming the lyrics and the song was over.

I stepped out of the shower and looked into my closet for some clothes to wear. I wanted to look somewhat acceptable today, so I pulled out a black and white checkered shirt and some dark blue jeans.

"This will do." I said to myself.

I kind of felt bad for somewhat lying to Gee and Mikey. About my parents I mean. I told them that my parents were on vacation, but in reality my parents got into a divorce a long time ago and my my mom died in a car accident. She was drunk driving.

I never knew what happened to my dad afterwards. I was living with my mom, and she was never home. I guess it just never came up in conversation.

I plugged in my hair straightener and while waiting for it to heat up applied some eyeliner. I smiled.

My hair was all the way down to my nose without being straightened, and afterwards it was even longer. It was pretty close to touching my lip ring.

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