Chapter Six

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A/N: This is the chapter where I'm kind of going to be doing a little explaining. Also, kind of triggering. Maybe.

Frank's POV

I saw Gerard, laying there. He was breathing, and he had a few bruises on his pale chest.

I suddenly had a flashback, and it was of something that I had pushed out of my mind, something I didn't want to be reminded of. Something that happened four years ago.

-Dream Starts-

"Is-Is he going to be okay? He's my best friend, I can't lose him!" I screamed at the doctor, slamming my hands down on the table in front of me.

I stared down at the lifeless body in front of me, his pale skin rising and falling with each small, weak, breath.

"Please Gerard, please wake up!" I screamed.

"Mr Iero, visiting hours are over, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You will be notified immediately if anything good or bad happens to Gerard." The doctor informed me.

I looked at the clock. I must have been crying for a long time.

"O-Oh-Okay." I said, frowning and walking out of the room.

"Wait." The doctor said, he was walking towards the bed Gerard was sitting in. "He's waking up."

He was right, Gerard's eyes opened, showing his beautiful hazel eyes.

"Who are you?" Gerard said, eyes widened as he looked at me.

"No..." I mumbled, he had to remember me!

"It's me Gerard, it's Frank." I said. I tried to walk towards him, but he spazzed.

"No! I don't know you! Get away from me!" He had hate radiating out of him.

I ran. I ran until I couldn't anymore. I ran until I reached the train tracks, seven miles from the hospital.

I slowed to a stop, and curled into a ball.

Why? Why did he try it? Why doesn't he remember me! Why did he fucking try that! Didn't he see! I was in love with him!

Gravel was being pushed into my bare skin as I rolled around on the road. A dog barked in the distance, and I heard an oncoming train just down the tracks.

I rolled into the actual road to avoid getting hit. I didn't  want to end it. Not now.

I remembered all the good times me and Gerard had.

Once, we kissed. We didn't know what we wanted in life and we were seeing if we would feel anything. I know I did, and I felt a lot. Gerard acted disgusted though.

All the times we would have sleepovers and fangirl over bands like Green Day.

We would laugh until we were crying and couldn't breathe, and Mikey would yell at us from across the hall to shut up. We never did.

I remember one particular night. My parents told me that they were getting a divorce. When things like that happened I would usually run to Ray's house, but he was on vacation, so I ran to Gee's.

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