Chapter Twelve

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I missed him. I needed him. I craved him.

I was trying to hold it together, but I just couldn't. I knew I should've told him earlier.

Now he hated me.

I was just about to go to sleep, when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID, and it was Mikey.

"What do you want?" I asked bitterly.

"Listen. I know you and Gerard aren't on the best terms right now. But, he's in the hospital and said he would only talk to you. Please? For Gerard?"

He sounded like he was crying, and I couldn't say no.

I was still half naked, so I just threw on some jeans and a band tee so old I couldn't see which band it was.


All of the nurses sighed. Then, they walked out. I assumed they were going to make Mikey call Frank, but I don't know if Frank was going to come.

I sat in there for another hour until there was a tiny knock on the door.

Frank then walked in, with two nurses following him.

"I was acting stupid and I just acted out I swear Frank I love you and I don't want to lose you please take me back"

The words just seemed to rush out of my mouth. I meant it all, though.

Frank ran over to me and hugged me, which was pretty awkward since I was laying down.

"Oh my god I love you" Frank told me.

His voice was muffled because his face was pushed against my stomach, and I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

I eventually got to go home, with only a few stitches. Frank demanded to know what the fuck happened.

I told him everything. I told him how I went crazy, how I poured my coffee over myself, how I ran away.

And the last thing I told him about was flushing my razors.

Frank started crying, and he hugged me. He hugged me harder than he ever had before.

"Gerard that was a really big move to make and I'm so proud of you"

He looked up at me, and he sighed.

"Well, I'm waiting." he smiled.

So I leaned down and kissed him. It felt great, kissing him again. I put my hands in his short hair, and tugged lightly. Frank wrapped his fingers around my hair, letting the curls drop after he twisted them.

I was barely aware of the person standing in my doorway.

Mikey let out a small cough.

"Um... I'm sorry for... Interrupting, but the school called. They want to talk to you."

We were caught. I knew I would have to go back to school someday. Frank and I have skipped A LOT of school.

Mikey handed me the phone, and I squeaked out a tiny hello.

"Gerard Way. You and your friend Frank Iero have missed the maximum amount of school days we can allow you.  Luckily, it is Christmas break. On January 5th, we expect both of you to be in class."

I tried to talk back, but it was a recorded message.

I sighed. I realized now that there was a slight chance Frank and I wouldn't graduate high school.

"What's up?" Frank asked

"We've missed too much school. We can't miss another day. On January 5th we have to be back."


We both flopped down on the bed, and sighed.

Frank turned to me.

"I hope you know, that whatever people say at school, and whatever happens, I love you."

I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled and nodded.

I'll admit, I was pretty fucking scared to go back. I didn't really think about the fact that I would have to go back someday. At least it was senior year, and there was only about three months left.

I just hoped I could get through alive.

Soon after that, I fell asleep. It was the first full night of sleep I've had in years


Christmas was in five days, and I still haven't gotten Frank a present. I was freaking out. I had no idea what to get him, and I was running out of time.

I spent the last week desperately walking around stores, asking for possible present.

There was one conversation that was really awkward.

"Hey, I'm looking for something so could get my "significant other" for Christmas, do you have any suggestions?" I asked a store worker.

"Ah, yes. One thing that sells the most during Christmas is necklaces, women love those." She said, walking towards a display with some necklaces.

"Um ma'am... I'm gay, I have a boyfriend." I answered, scratching my neck.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry sir. I really shouldn't have assumed you were straight."

"It's okay."

We stood there for about a minute in complete silence.

Soon after, I drifted away into the crowd of last minute Christmas shoppers like myself.

I couldn't find anything. All the people I asked for help said make something homemade, so I considered it.

I finally figured out that I was going to do a happy jar project. I put 365 pieces of paper in a jar with reasons I love Frank on it. That list included:

The way you twist your hair around your fingers when you're stressed.

How you don't give a shit that people stare at you

How you wear whatever you want.


I hoped this was enough for him.

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