Chapter Three

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Frank's POV

I heard the shower turn on, oh how good it feels to be able to talk to Mikey again. I haven't talked to him since middle school, and I also never knew he had a brother, a hot brother.

I got up to go to my room and walked past the bathroom when I saw a sudden movement. It was Gerard, huddling in the corner, holding a razor just above his arms.

"Gerard!" I screamed.

I ran into the bathroom and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Why?" I asked. It was just then when I noticed the very faint white scars lining his body in various places.

I hugged him. I might not know him that well and I might have never talked to him before today but no one should have to do that to themselves.

Gerard didn't say anything, just kept looking at me. Mikey heard the commotion and walked into the room and when he saw what Gerard
was holding he started to cry.

Mikey slowly moved towards Gerard and took the razor out of his hand,  setting it on the counter.

"I'm sorry...." I heard Gerard mumble.

Mikey didn't hear him, he just kept looking down.

"How about we just lay down and go to sleep? Kay?" I asked, a look of sympathy on my face.

"Okay..." Gerard said, grabbing my outstretched hand to get up.

I started walking towards my room as I saw Mikey take Gerard out into the living room, where they would go to sleep.


There was a knock on my bedroom door and I saw a mop of black hair walk into my room as I slowly woke up. I looked at my alarm clock, 2:30 AM.

"Frank? Can I talk to you?" Gerard asked, he sniffled, I could tell he was crying.

"Yeah, of course." I said, my voice raspy from being sleepy.

Gerard sat on the end of my bed, and I could feel the weight shift.

"Do you think I'm fat?" Gerard asked me after a few minutes of silence.

I stopped, and I looked at him. How could he ever think he was fat? He was amazing.

"Gerard, you're not fat. You never have been. You never will be. You're not ugly. You're not stupid. You're not an attention whore. All those things people call you, they're not true. Don't ever think less about yourself. I've been there once and I know it's hard, Gee, but you have to try to believe me. You're beautiful just the way you are." I said, hugging him.

And we stayed that way. Until he looked up at me and asked a question.

"Are you gay, Frank." he asked, and immediately went red

"Depends..." I smirked "On who's asking."

Gerard leaned in and was soon just centimeters away from my face.

"I am." Gerard laughed.

I leaned in the inch and then we were kissing.

Kissing Gerard was like kissing the sun.  Except his kiss didn't burn me. Our lips melted into each others and it felt like heaven.

I moved my hands up to Gerard's head and tugged on his hair, and he gripped my shoulders harder. Nothing could ruin this moment.

After a minute or so, we pulled away from each other, out of breath.

"To answer your question Gerard, maybe I am a little gay."

We fell asleep, just like that, in each other's arms.


Mikey's POV

I woke up and the first thing I noticed was that Gerard wasn't there. I started freaking out. I walked all the way around the house until I saw him, asleep, in Frank's arms.

My heart fluttered at the thought of my brother dating Frank. I honestly don't know if Frank is gay or not, but I do know that Gerard is gayer than a rainbow.

I walked in slowly as I heard them breathe, their breaths were in sync and were really slow.

Frank opened his eyes and woke up Gerard with his movement.

"Oh my fucking God Mikey get out!" Gerard screamed. I laughed. He went as red as a tomato.

Frank just laughed it off and got up.

"Gerard it's okay we all know you're gayer than Tyler Oakley." He laughed.

Gee started to blush even more.

"Well, me and Gerard need some clothes because we don't have any. Would you mind lending is some?" I asked Frank.

"You can take whatever you want." He shrugged his shoulders.

Gerard automatically went for a pair of black jeans and a Green Day T Shirt. I just grabbed some sweatpants and a tank top.

Gerard's POV

I grabbed the Green Day t shirt and the black jeans and rushed off into the bathroom to change.

I thought about what happened last night. Frank kissed me. I kissed back. He called me beautiful. My heart started to flutter.

I stripped down to my underwear and slipped the Green Day t shirt on.

It's really tight I told myself.

I sucked in a breath and felt a tear slide down my cheek.

I attempted to pull the jeans on, but I could get them on past the middle of my thighs.

I started to cry.

It's because you're fat! My mind told me.

"No..." I said

I curled up into a ball and started to sob. Why didn't they fit? I took the shirt off and threw them along with the jeans to the other side of the room.

I stared at my almost naked body and pointed out all of my imperfections. All of the scars and fat I had on me.

I heard a knock at the door. It was Frank.

"Gee? Are you in there?" Frank asked from the other side of the door.

"Y-Yeah" I whimpered, wiping at my eyes before Frank walked in.

"What's wrong?" He asked when he saw the tears flowing from my eyes.

I looked at him. I waited a few minutes until I finally answered. Before I did though, I started sobbing uncontrollably.

"You can talk to me Gee" he said.

I looked at him with sad eyes.

"I'm too fat. Your clothes don't fit me."

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