04. Thor and Twins

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Hi! Because I got bored and you guys were wanting me to update, I decided to make another chapter. So here we go, I hope you enjoy it!

"You are definitely a god"

Faye had been training with Steve and sometimes Clint, who she had finally met, everyday now. Clint taught her how to use a bow and Steve taught her hand to hand combat. She had gotten better and now only trained when she felt it was needed, which was hardly ever. Recently, the Avengers had went out, fighting Hydra, which of course she didn't go so she had no clue what went on. The team had just returned and got on the plane thing that Tony owned. Faye hurried and shoved the last cookie in her mouth so Tony wouldn't notice that she had ate all the cookies. He couldn't get made at her for it, he was rich so why should he. Faye turned around but stopped mid way with her eyes narrowed as she noticed a new person had join in on the group.

"Who is he?" She pointed her finger at a very tall, large man with long flowing hair and strong built looking arms that were bigger than her whole future. He looked like a literal god, in Faye's opinion at least.

"Thor meet Faye, my sister and Faye, its rude to point" Tony stated, not even bothering to stop to look at her before sitting down at his pilot seat. Faye's finger fell down and she sent an awkward smile in Thor's direction. Faye then remember Tony telling her about Thor.

"Its a pleasure to meet you Lady Faye" She smiled, awkwardly, yet again.

"You are definitely a god" Faye stated aloud causing a look of confusion to come across Thor's face. Clint now laid on a metal table, seeing as he was injured in battle. Natasha had a iPad in her hands, looking up something which struck interest in Faye so she stood next to Natasha, watching.

"Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, twins, who volunteerly let Hydra experiment on them..." Faye read aloud, without realizing it. Seeing the picture and hearing their names made her eyes widen. She remembered them, the three of them had been close when she had been with Hydra but she left and they stayed.

"Do you know them?" Natasha asked, noticing the shocked look across the green eyed girl. Faye slowly nodded.

"We were friends but they aren't like normal brother and sister, they were super close" Faye explained.

"Ew" A look of disgust came across both Natasha, Tony, and Clint's face but confusion was written on Steve's and Thor's. Faye glared at them, basically telling them to get their minds out of the gutter. She expected it from her brother but not Natasha or Clint. Okay, maybe she did expect it from Clint a little. They all really hang out with Tony too much.

Faye, not wanting to talk about the twins, sat down next to Steve, who looked at her in questioning. She gave him a 'what?' look before looking down at the ground at her feet. Faye loved the twins and she didn't want to leave them but she had no other choice then to leave. Hydra would have ended up killing her if she didn't run away when she did. Everything they did left her traumatized. When she was little, she wanted to grow up, get married, have kids but it was all ruined the moment she was left by her brother and Hydra kidnapped her.

"Are you okay?" Steve's voice brought her back into reality, her head snapping up to look at him. She smiled softly at him nodding her head to assure him that she was fine even if she wasn't. She didn't want him to worry, she didnt want anyone to worry about her when they didn't need to. She hated that she had to come to her brother for help but she didn't have any other choice even if she was brought her by Fury, she still would have came here. Steve stood up and patted her head before walking off.


Later that day, they had landed the plane where the team was going in to meet Ultron while Bruce and Faye stayed inside on the plane. She wanted to go in to help but both Tony and Steve said it was too dangerous for her to go. She stubbornly sat down with her arms crossed. She looked like a five year old pouting because they got put in time out.

"Its not that bad being stuck with me" Bruce suddenly said, breaking the very awkward and stiff silence that had been floating in the room since the rest of the team had left. Faye turned towards him with a 'your kidding right' look and an eyebrow rose.

"Just don't turn green and were good, Banner" Faye simply said, still aggravated that she couldn't go in and help them. Bruce nodded and turned back to whateve he was doing. She knew how to handle Pietro and Wanda but yet it was 'Too dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt' as Steve had said previously to Faye. She was utterly annoyed with Steve and Tony but that was normally for her to be annoyed with Tony. Bruce suddenly opened the walk way thingy on the plane and stood on it, looking out into the distance.

Faye, being the curious little red head she was, walked over next to him to look out in the distance as well to see what he was looking at. Faye's squinted her eyes slightly to try and point out what he was seeing. A small gasp escaped her lips when she was what it was Bruce has been looking at. Pietro and Wanda stood, glaring right in the direction of the two. Slowly, Faye and Bruce looked at each other with wide eyes before looking back at the two Maximoff twins.

"I knew I should have went inside"

And another chapter is written in the same day as well, sort of, its almost 5am where I'm at. Anyways, I'm going to bed and I'll probably update tomorrow, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment and let me know what you think and don't forget to vote, it would mean a lot to me. Bye!!

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