08. Feelings

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Hi! I'm sorry its took me awhile to update I've been sick and busy with school but here's a new update. Thank you so much for all the reads, votes, and comments. I hope you like this chapter.

"Uh, Steve, we have a bit of a problem"

Its been a depressing week for Faye, nothing out of the ordinary or bad has happened and she just laid locked up in her room, only coming out for things like food and a shower. Steve figured she was still in shock over the death of her former friends, Pietro and Issac. He understood the girl needed her space to cope but a week was too long for her to be locked up in that small room, he knew she had to come out. Deciding to be the brave man he was, Steve went up to Faye's room and knocked on the door. Shuffling was heard from behind the door before her voice called back to him, telling him to enter the room. Faye laid across the floor with a pile of covers wrapped around her legs. Steve furrowed his eyebrows at the weird position.

"I fell off the bed" Faye explained, noticing his questioning look when he saw the sight of her on the floor. Steve lips tugged up into a smile at how adorable Faye looked as she struggled to get up. Once Faye was up, without the help of Steve, who just watched her stand up and throw the covers back on the bed in a ball.

"What do you need, Steve?" He seemed to have been staring at Faye a little longer than he should have and got distracted. Steve was a little!e shocked by the fact she had called him by his first mname but shook it off. Even with her bed hair, Faye looked as gorgeous as she always did to him.

"Um, I wanted to see if you were okay, are you?" Faye mentally groaned, she was tried of everyone always asking her that. Even though she knew she wasn't okay she at least wanted to pretend she was so she could move on with life. That's just something you have to do sometimes, just move on. It was a simply life thing that everyone did.

"I'm fine, Steve, I promise" She faked a wide smile and rose her eyebrow at Steve when he continued to stand in the middle of her room.

"Well, Rogers, are you going to leave or am I going to have to force you out?" Faye to be honest, didn't want Steve to leave. When he was around her, it made her feel better and all warm inside. It was a nice feeling she felt around him and she wondered if he felt it too.

"Stark wanted me to tell you to get ready because he's having a celebration party" Steve informed the girl, who groaned. Tony having a party never led to good things, never.

"Let me put something nice on and you can just wait here" Faye began digging through her clothes until she found a nice blue dress that her brother had given her not long ago. Faye was in the bathroom with her hair curled and had her dress on, almost. She couldn't get the zipper all the day because it was stuck. She tried multiple ways to do it herself before she gave up.

"Uh, Steve, we have a bit of a problem" Faye called out, nervously. She knew they were the only two here, the rest were setting up the party including the only two girls on the team.

"Are you okay?" Was Steve immediate response, he seemed to be protective of Faye like it was a natural everyday habit for him. He didn't know how or what it was but Faye made him feel things and do things he wouldn't normally do for someone.

"No, my zipper got stuck half way up can you come help me?" A few sufflings were heard and then the door opened, Steve leaving it wide open. Faye gave him a short 1 second smile before turning her head back around and pulling her strawberry blonde hair to the side.

"I've tried everything to zip it up" Faye broke the silence that had filled the room. Faye flinched a small bit when Steve's hand was placed on her lower back as he attempted to zip up the dress. Faye didn't know what this feeling was or why Steve was causing it. Whenever he touched her it was like a shock of some kind was sent through her body. She didn't care what it was, it didn't matter to her because she liked the feeling of his body touching hers and his hot breath dripping down her neck. She loved it and don't want it to go away.

Steve slowly zipped up the dress the rest of the way, carefully not to get it stuck yet again. Steve didn't want to move away from Faye, he loved the feeling of touching her and being around her. It was a good feeling even if he didn't understand it too much, he wanted more of it. Once the zipper was up all the way, the two stayed that way for a good few seconds before Faye turned around to face him. She only came to find out, his fave was only an inch away from hers. She checks heated up at the closeness between the two before she pushed it away and looked Steve up and down, smiling.

"You look handsome as always, Cap" Faye compliment him, pursing her lips.

"And you look beautiful as you always do, Faye" He smiled, brightly at the green eyed girl, looking down at her. He was practically over her because she was so short and small while he was the opposite. Faye blushed, deeply, looking down at the ground and biting her lip. Faye walked out and put on her black high heels she had found somewhere in her room.

"I'll see you down at the party, Cap" Faye stated before leaving the room to a brightly smiling Steve Rogers.

Well, I hope you liked it! I promise I will update soon either tonight or sometime tomorrow. Please don't forget to comment telling what you think and vote, it means a lot. Goodbye!

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