beneath the mask 5

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I sat there beside papa's body for a long time while James and his lackys searched the whole house. I couldn't move. I couldn't believe papa was dead. He can't be dead. He simply can't.

Silent tears rolled down my cheeks and after a long while, my first sob escaped through my lips. i sat there waiting for any sign of life, even a single faint heartbeat, anything.

Someone had come up behind me. I looked up and saw James smiling down at me. That was when reality hit me. Papa is dead and James killed him. Anger so wild and huge took over me. I slowly got up ignoring the pain in my chest. It would heal soon, it always does.

I felt a sharp pain hit my back and I turned my head over and saw a dart-like thing stuck to my back. I quickly shove it out of me. But the effects of the strange bullet could be felt. I started feeling slightly drowsy and a little limp. I suddenly felt weak and fell on one knee. James's laughter rang in my ears.

"This little genius creation can make you harmless." He said holding the long bullet that hit me, there was blue liquid in it.

I glared at him.

"Pity it turned out like this, I actually had a fancy for you." he said faking a pout.

I'd rather die than be his little pet. With all the strength I could muster I got up and glared at him. The pain on my chest was nearly gone but the effects of the shot was still there. But that doesn't matter. I have enough to take him down. And if I am to die now, he's coming with me.

I leaped at him and punched him as hard as I could, he went out cold. Sissy.

I looked at the 4 lackeys with him. I'm going to make this quick. I snapped each and every\ heads off. Blood splattered everywhere. I turned to James, he was slowly coming around. I kicked him several times on the stomach. I punched him so many times that his jaw got dislocated. For the finishing touch, I grabbed the gun fastened on his belt and shot him in the head 5 times. His face could not even be made out anymore. The smell of blood made me thirsty. I went to the fridge. There was one bottle left. There was a post-it stuck to it.

'drink this for your desert I added a few herbs to it and clean up after you're done, you can be very messy at you.

-papa '

My knees gave in, I fell to the floor. I hugged my knees and rocked myself. Why is this so painful. Tears rolled down my cheeks. This time it wasn't silent.

"Papa!!!" I screamed.

Torturing and burning pain took over me, it wasn't physical . It came from within, my heart.

I slowly got up hearing sirens . The police were here. The neighbours must have heard the gunshots. Brian must have heard it too. His name didn't give me the usual butterflies in the stomach. Now, the name was just plain Brain. The boy who lives next door. I grabbed my mask and went to the kitchen's back door and gave a final back glance to my home. The kitchen was untouched. Papa's apron hung on the nail. His scent was everywhere. I restrained a sob and put on my mask. I had to go. I turned and broke into a fast run.

As I ran , I could hear the cops exclaiming and swearing at the sight they saw. I ran and ran for hours. I didn't even know where I was going. After a few minutes I was in the outskirt of the city. There were lots of forests , I went into one. I walked for several hours. I always had my mask on. Papa's gift to me. Only when I felt thirsty I would take it off. The only animals I saw were rabbits and deers. I relied on their blood to keep up my energy.

2 days passed by. This time my thirst was worse. I tried my best to ignore it. I caught another deer. Later when I went to the river to bath, my white dress was brown now. My hair was tangled and messy. My skin looked paler.

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