beneath the mask 7

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I stomped back to my room, fuming. i hit the walls on my way to my room, leaving some slight cracks. As soon as i reached my room, i slamed the door behind me and dived into my bed. i grabbed a pillow and buried my head in it. I hate him. That stupid prince. Just because he's a prince does not mean he have to be jerk!! A prince, of all people should have more manners!! that...jerk!!! i wrestled with the pillow and punched it imagining it was his face. After i got bored, i stopped. i glanced at the watch. it was 1: 35. All this happened with 35 minutes. Great.

i played with the chain around my neck. i often wonder what my mother looked like. I wonder if i look like her...or maybe my father. i never really thought about them, i didn't really care. That was because Papa was always there for me. He tries his best to not let me feel as if something was missing in me. But now, since he's gone, i miss all of them. i sighed and placed my hand on my forehead. Papa said my mother gave up her life to save mine. that she loved me dearly. No matter how hopeless i feel and feel like killing myself, i can't do that. i don't want my mother's and papa's  life to go in vain.

i lazily got off the bed. And looked out of the window. It was still bright. My room was on the top most floor. Yet looking through my window, i was only at ground level. The rest of the school was underground. I wonder if the Government know about this, i wonder how old this school is, i wonder how the female students here weren't afftected, i'm sure the hunters search the forest thoroughly too. Maybe i'll ask Davis later, if i see him.

There was a knock on the door.

"come in" i said

the door opened slowly ans that girl i met in the cafeteria stood there. what was her name again? pink? peck? peas?...peach! thats her name.

"hi" she said cheerfully

i nodded my head.

she slowly stepped in my room and looked around.

"so, what are you planning to do today? i know! Let's hit the pool!"

i immediately saw myself dressed in a skimpy bikini. i furiously shook my head.

She looked at me strangely.

"i'm sorry." i whispered.

She smiled.

"you sound like you're apologising for a murder or something, relax ok?"

i nodded.

" what happened in the cafeteria was amazing!!! i've never seen anyone do that to him!"

i was feeling extremely uncomfortable now.

"be prepared aimee! i think he's gonna take revenge!!" she said it cheerfully.

i groaned softly.

"it ok, you're quiet but i know you can stand up to him!" she said her eyes wide with excitement.

Great, i have a prince for an enemy.

She grabbed my hand.

"c'mon, lets go out. i can bunk my classes today!"

She pulled me out of my room. She kept dragging me forever. As she was dragging me in the hallway, i saw him. He was walking with his friends, the same people that sat with him in the Cafeteria. He was laughing and talking with his friends. What was worse, they were walking this way. He saw me and  froze, great. I immediately  turned around and started walking. Peach called me back, but i ignored her.

" Aimee!" came a deep voice.

it was his.

i quickened my pace.

"Aimee!" he shouted again.

This time i was jogging.

"hey! don't you have any respect!?"

I froze. The nerve he has.

I turned around and imitated a royal bow.

"Shall i lick your shoes too?" i mocked.

Davis laughed loudly. Gabriel glared at me.

beneath the mask.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt