Chapter 6

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I get on Instagram & I see Cam on there with some girl. Her name is in his caption & she comments on the pic with all the kiss emojis & whatnot .. tf?

I get off Instagram & walk to my car, I'm just going for ah ride .. To think about that I guess.

I get out at the gas station & go in to pay. When I walk out I see Cam at my car.

"Bae I been texting you." He grabbed my waist. I pulled away & went to pump the gas. "Kai what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, just cooling."

"Why won't you text back or answer my calls?"

"Been busy.." I put the nozzle back, close the door thingy & walk to open my door when he pulls me back.

"You not leaving until you tell me what I did."

"Cam you all on Instagram with this girl & ion wanna hear it's your cousin or something cuz y'all were hugged up & she commented with these emojis like you "the bae" or something."

"Naw man it's not like that. We used to date but I dropped her, when I saw her last night we was kicking it at the bowling alley. She was with her friends & I was with my niggas, she came up to me & we was cooling. She wanted to take ah picture when we were leaving. She told me send it to her but then she'll start texting me so I put it on Instagram & tagged her."

"Oh, that's whassup.."

"You acting like you don't believe me." He says. Then his phone beeped saying he had an iMessage. He sat his phone on my car when he was getting his money out, I looked over & saw what I expected. Charity popped up, that's the girls name .. Cool. He just looked at me. I got in the car & pulled off, wow..


Wtf Charity doing texting me? I had the name saved so when she called I could ignore & when she texted me I could too, not because we been talking. Kai saw the name & left. Damn man, I need to explain but I don't know if she'll even believe me. I go to her house & wait on her. It's been 38 minutes & I'm still counting then she pulls up.

She walks in the house & closes the door, I open it & walk in. I follow her to her room.

"Cam why you here?"

"Hear me out babe, I swear you don't understand."

"Explain to me then." I tell her everything, I'm sitting here pouring my heart out cuz I love her & I don't need anything coming between us.

"Okay Cam."

"Kai please say you believe me."

"I don't. Look at the picture & tell me would you believe me if I was her & my ex was you. Look at how y'all are hugged up & tell me would you like that?" I understand where she's coming from.

"I'll take the picture down babe please, believe me ion want her .. I want you only, forget everybody else. I'll do anything & everything for you."

She walks outta the room & down the stairs to the kitchen. "Kai you not gon say nothing?" She doesn't. "Ima call you later babe, please answer. I gotta go get my mama but i'ma call you as soon as I get home." I walk out. I love her so much, I can't take her not talking to me. I call as soon as I walk thru the door.

"Hello?" Her soft, beautiful voice ..

"You answered."

"Man the fact that you would beg me to talk to you, I know you love me .. I couldn't ignore it." I smile.

"I love you Kai Lashae Wright." She laughs.

"I love you too Cameron Jerell Alexander." We talk on the phone until we fall asleep.

*3 days later*


Last week school was out for some type of emergency break, idk .. But now it's back in. It's like 6 in the morning, I get up to take ah shower & do my hygiene then get dressed. I put on ah my NY Knicks Lebron 9's, ah blue top with some jean shorts. I got in my car & drove to McDonald's then to school. I got in to my locker then to class. I noticed ah new student, I jumped up & hugged him.

"Hey Kai, I didn't know you went to this school. Damn I missed you!" He hugs me back.

"I missed you too Davon."

We sat down & caught up before class started. We've known each other since diaper days. Our dad's were like brothers but things got hot in the drug business with his dad so they moved to California, now they're back.

After class I walked I showed him his other classes & went to the next one, our schedule is ah lot alike. Cam walked in & came to sit beside me.

"Hey babe." He kissed me, when I looked up Davon was looking like 'did I miss something' so I introduced them, class started & everything was cool.

The day was over & I walked to basketball practice when I saw Davon.

"Hey Kai, where you going?"


"Aww shit now! You hoop?" I start laughing.

"Yeah, I do."

"Can I come watch y'all? See if you sorry or not cuz I'm not gon claim you if you are."

"Yes dummy, I'm not sorry either."

We walk in & I sit my bag down. We start doing drills, run then play ah game against each other. Our side wins so the other girls have to run 2 laps, I get my bag & walk out.

"I didn't expect you to be out there doing all that, you good."

"Thanks." When we get in the parking lot I see the football boys coming from practice & ah crowd huddled up together then ah boy walks up to me.

"Kai yo dude back there fighting man, they jumping him!" Wtf?

"Where?! Show me where!" He takes off running & when I get there I see 4 dudes jumping Cam & I run over swinging at em. One picked me up & was about to slam me on the concrete, I kicked him down low & I fell on him when he dropped. I punched him in the nose & went for another dude, I jumped on his back & wrapped my hands around his neck chocking him, I know Cam had the other two by himself. When Cam was done we went thru the crowd of people recording us & went to our cars & pulled off heading to my house.


Them niggas was jumping me. I took two of em but four? Hell naw. I slammed one of em so he fell on his friend & when I saw Kai, I knew it was all over. I stomped em out then we walked off. They whole reason I was fighting is because 2 of em was talking about having sex with Kai, knowing we together. I said something to one dude & his friends came at me. Me & my baby rocked them niggas tho, now we on the way to her house. I heard the shower on when I walked in. I locked the door & went to her room. I put my bag down & walked in the bathroom, she was standing there with nothing on & all I could say was damn. .

I took off my clothes & she walked up to me, I picked her up. We got in & I pinned her against the wall, the water was just running down or bodies. I start kissing her neck & that must've been her spot cuz she let out ah soft moan. We washed each other good then got out. I pushed up against her & we walked in her room.

"Cam I need ah towel to dry off." She says.

"We don't need ah towel, we can dry off in the covers & when I say you like it I promise you gon love it." She giggles.

"Okay Drake." I pick her up & lay her on the bed, I start kissing her. I go down & it's drives her crazy then I decide it's time. Since she's ah virgin i'ma ease in slow & gently. She tenses up.

"I gotchu baby." I say & she relaxes then I ease my way in, the best feeling I ever had .. In my whole life

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