Chapter 17

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It's been 2 weeks since I saw Cam that day. Right now I'm at Carter's house playing 2K with him. I got ah text from Kierra.

Ki: I just saw Cam loco ass, he asked me where you were. I said you should already know since you keeping tabs on her. He was like yeah, you right then laughed and walked away.

KaiBaby: his irritating ass, he thinks I'm scared of him and I think he up to something cuz I haven't seen him in 2 weeks.

Ki: just watch your back boo.

KaiBaby: I will.

"I'm about to go to the store, you wanna ride?"

"You know what I told you."

"Man my windows are tinted. Nobody can see anything whatsoever." I just sighed. He pulled me up, we got in his car and pulled off. I started feeling uneasy, I don't know why.

Carter POV

I pumped the gas then went inside the store to pay and get some snacks. When I came out my passenger door was wide open. Instead of Kai being there, it was ah note:

I told Kai to warn you about being around her but y'all decided to sneak around, you must not know who I am? If you want her back, come get her bitch.

It was an address at the bottom. Fuck! I don't know anything about shit like this! What have I gotten myself into? I closed the other door then pulled off. I drove to the address and it looked like any regular house. My phone started ringing, it was Kai.

"I see you came." Some dude was on the other end.

"Yeah but fuck all that, where she at?"

"Right here, wanna talk to her?" He put the phone to her ear and she was breathing hard.

"Carter. ."

"I'm coming Kai."

"No, leave! He gonna try to --"

"Shut up bitch!" I heard him slap her. Then I heard Cam's voice.

"Nigga what you hit her for? Make me lay your ass down!" He got the phone. "Walk in and come to the basement. Don't try no funny shit either." I hung up and did what he said. When I found it and walked down the stairs and ah door closed behind me. I turned around and was face to face with Cam.

"Got you right where I want you."

"Yeah, what you want?"

"I know you're about to graduate so I'll wait until then but you're stealing my business. This was all about Kai but she gave up on me so my money is back in first place."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Nigga yes you do! You move weight, don't lie. If you gonna move that shit, it's gonna be for me!"

"You shitting me?"

"Do I look like I am? I'ma give you until May when you graduate, if you're still doing the shit then bye bye Carter. Now get out and I guess you can take her with you."

"Fuck that, you don't put fear in me."

"Y'all take him upstairs and go through with the plan." 2 big dudes drug me up the stairs and put ah bag over my face.


My lip was bleeding from when that dude slapped me. I can't believe this. I don't know where they took Carter or anything! Cam untied me and I followed him upstairs. I saw ah gun on his waist, when we got to where all those other dudes were I grabbed the gun and pushed him out of the way. I shot all 3 dudes in the chest. Did they die? Who knows cuz after that I hauled ass up the street. I caught ah bus from where I was, close to home then walked the rest of the way. I tried calling Carter but it went straight to voicemail so I text him.

Kai: I'm so sorry for all the things that happened to you and it's truly all my fault. Please text me back and let me know you're okay.

2 hours passed then my phone vibrated.

Carter: I'm good ma, don't stress yourself over it. I won't see you ever again and I wish I could change that but I can't. I wish you the best.

I just put my phone and was about to cry but. . The tears just wouldn't fall.

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