Chapter 24

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I called Jordan and he claimed he was out of town but I know he's lying. Me and Kierra got what we needed then left the warehouse. We got to the trap and it was empty. We walked in Jordan's office and didn't see him.

"Damn Kierra, we missed him! Fuck!" I kicked a chair across the room then walked out. I stood in the hall while Kierra went to the front door. She opened then closed it to make it seem like we left.

After about 5 minutes, he came out of the room and walked up the hallway. I rushed him from behind and made him fall. I got on top of him and tied him up.

"You got the wrong person! I didn't shoot Jai!"

"Bitch you was in on it! You told on your damn self!"

"I'll tell you who shot your brother."

"Who?" I asked. He hesitated.

"Bitch who?!" I asked and cocked my gun.

"A girl named Yanna."

"Yanna?" That name sounded so familiar.

"That bitch!" Kierra said then I remembered.

"Niveah's cousin! Bet money all them bitches was in on it!" I slapped Jordan's head out of frustration. "You a fucking snake Jordan!"

"They paid me to track down Jai so they could go in and do it."

"Cuz them bitches knew they couldn't touch me! They still got hate after all these years?" I was still sitting on Jordan's back. "How much did they pay you?"

"10 thousand."

"10 G's is all our friendship was worth to you? I trusted your ass Jordan! I let you hold money and all my shit when I was away!"

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Kierra pull the truck to the back." She walked out. "Where they at?"


"Don't play dumb!"

"They at Yanna house, they all moved in with her."

"Bum ass hoes." I helped him up and we went out the back door. I put him in the back then drove off.

He directed me to the apartments they lived in. They all got into their car and pulled off. I followed them at a distance. They drove to a motel and all of them got out and went into the same room. I locked Jordan in the back and we headed up the stairs.

I spotted a camera facing straight at their door. I snuck behind it, stood up on the rail and tilted it straight up. I hopped down and knocked on the door. I covered the peep hole. I switched into a different accent.

"Who is it?"

"House keeping."

"We don't need it right now."

"What did you say ma'am I can't hear you through the door!"

"I said we don't need it right now!" Yanna said as she was opening the door. I pushed it in and Kierra locked it behind us. I had my gun in hand and they started hollering.

"All y'all bitches better shut up cuz I'm ready to bust a cap!" Kierra said. I cocked my gun.

It was three dudes laying there half naked. They looked confused but scared. None of them could see our faces cuz of the masks.

"I'ma let y'all niggas go but I got shit to handle first. I'ma take front and side pictures of y'all three so if police come at me, y'all gon die. K?" They nodded.

Kierra took the pictures while I tied Yanna, Niveah and London up. When we were done I checked outside to see if it was clear then put them in the truck.

It's like 10 o'clock on the dot and I should get to the outskirts at 10:45.

"What is this about?" London asked.

"You just shut your scary ass up and start praying."

"For what?" They asked at the same time.

"Cuz all y'all bitches finna die!" Kierra said.

"We used to be cool." Niveah said.

"You fucked that up with your snake ass!"

45 minutes later I got to the dirt road and started driving down it. It took 10 minutes to get to the shack. We pull all four of them in the shack and tied them to chairs.

"Now i'ma ask y'all some questions and I want straight answers, y'all get 3 strikes each." They nodded.

"We not playing with y'all, remember that." Kierra said then I started.

"Jordan, who requested my brother be killed?"

"Yanna." He said. I shot her in the foot and she screamed, I put a sock in her mouth.

"Jordan, who asked you to do it?"

"Yanna but I told her she had to do it." I shot her in her knee cap.

"You one strike from being out Yanna. Jordan, who bought the gun?"


"Fucking liar! You gave us the gun and I gave it to Yanna!"

"Yanna is that true?" She nodded. "London is that true?" She nodded. I shot Jordan in the foot. "London what part did you play?"

"I drove."

"Which foot was on the pedal?"

"Right." I shot her in her right foot.

"London, what did you do?"

"I was a distraction. I said I needed help."

"How did you get his attention?"

"I called his name."

"Kierra you can do this one." She got a lighter.

"Open your mouth." She said to London. She snatched her tongue and let it sit there. She could barely take it as it burned, idgaf though.

"Now all y'all, say your prayers." They actually did. I walked out and started the fire. Once it was big and roaring. I drug all of them outside. I put my Beats by Dre on so I didn't hear the screaming.

We pushed them in one by one. I heard faint screams but not enough to be reminded of. I sat there smoking a blunt and waited for the bodies to become ashes. When they did, we shoveled them into a bag and drove to the big river. I stood over the bridge and dumped the ashes. R.I.P to the ones I thought was down.

Most will say I'm wrong or I was too harsh but they didn't give a damn when they were trying to kill my brother. I show no compassion for people like that. My family is the last thing I play about.


Kai and Kierra walked in the house at 1 in the morning. I don't know why they were out cuz they don't really party on weekdays.

Kai walked in the bedroom and went straight to the bathroom and ran bath water. After a while I walked in. Candles were lit and she was reading her bible. She put it down and looked at me.

"You good baby?"


"Where you been?"

"Did you see what I drove?"

"Nah, what?"

"The black Tahoe." I knew what she had been doing that kept her out all night.

"Who was it?"

"Jordan, Niveah, London and Yanna."

"Word? For what?"

"All of them played a part in trying to kill Jai."

"Damn, all cuz they couldn't touch you."

"Them bitches used to be my friends." She said just staring at the wall.

"Everybody ain't friend material ma."

"I see that."

The next day I woke up, took a bath and got dressed. I did my daily rounds and was just cruising around the city. My phone started ringing and I answered.


"You have a collect call from the Dekalb County Jail from inmate Kai Wright. Do you accept the charges?"



"What the fuck you doing in there?"

"Drug charges and possession of an illegal firearm."

"I'm on the way." I hung up and drove down there.


Me and Kierra were sitting in the investigation room.

"So who's drugs and firearm is this?"

"I ain't never seen that gun or them drugs before." Kierra said.

"Listen, both of y'all not leaving out of here together! I'll be back in exactly 1 minute." He walked out and slammed the door.

"I'll take it for you." I said. She looked at me surprised.

"Naw, none of that shit is yours."

"But you got previous charges Ki, I got you. Just hold it down til I get out."

"I love you with all my heart! You my bestfriend!" She said.

"I love you too ma." He walked back in.

"Whose it is?"

"Both of them belong to my thugging ass." I said. He turned red.

"Come on, lets go." He said to Kierra. She got up and left.

I was standing in the courtroom about to be sentenced. I stood up. All I heard was five years. I zoned out then dropped my head.

"No! My baby!" My mama hollered. She was crying so hard. I looked at my dad, Jai, Kierra and Cam. They cuffed me up.

"I love you ma." Cam mouthed. I read his lips and said it back. They walked me out and straight to a bus with some other women. Off to the prison.

They made me take my clothes off and put on this nasty shit. I walked to my cell with the stuff they gave me. I got to a cell and walked in. There was a girl there, she smiled at me.

"Fresh meat." I sat down on the bottom bunk. "What's your name?" I didn't say anything. "You ain't gotta tell me, cuz in here it's: my bitch."

I just sat there for hours. How i'ma deal with this shit for five years? They closed the cell doors. I got in my bunk and laid down. A few hours later, I was almost asleep when I felt something tugging at my clothes. I turned over and it was my cell mate.

"What the fuck you doing?"

"Finna get me some pussy."

"Bitch don't fuck with me!" She snatched me up. She's so much bigger than me, damn.

She pinned me against the wall. I started to choke her. She flipped me and I punched her in her nose. She felt her nose then saw blood. I hopped up and started stomping her. I grabbed her hair and drug her to the toilet, stuffing her head inside. I pushed her to the cell door and kicked her head from behind and it got stuck in the rail. I laid down and went back to sleep.

I woke up to loud laughing. I wiped my eyes and saw they were laughing at my cell mate.

"You did this?" All of them were waiting for my answer.

"Yeah." They burst out laughing.

"We was gon fuck with you but you straight we me shidd. It's breakfast time, come on." I got up and walked out with them.

"Y'all just gon leave me here?" My cell mate asked.

"We'll send the guard or something."

I was taking a shower when I got snatched and threw against the wall. My cell mate and another dike was standing there smirking. One of them held me down by my arms and my cell mate took her jump suit off and put her forest in my face.

"Oh shit! Got damn! Bitch do you bathe?" I yelled. She smelled horrible.

"You gon eat this today."

"I'll be damned! If you don't get that wolf pussy out my fucking face!"

"You ready?"

"You gon HAVE to whoop my ass cuz I'll be damned!" They jumped me and I laid there not able to move.

I'ma make it though, i'ma be okay. I'ma fucking soldier! I'll never have my head low. 1 day down 1,824 to go.


I will be doing a sequel about her prison life and other stuff. Until then, enjoy my other books & read a book I'm helping someone write. It's called "If Only You Knew" :)

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