Chapter 1

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I woke up early as I usually do. The sun was just rising turning the sky pinkish. I quickly and quietly changed into my usual attire. Then I put on my bow and arrow. I carefully opened my door and headed down the stairs. I had to leave the castle with nobody seeing me. This isn't going to be easy since my uncle's knights were everywhere. I headed down the stairs to the gardens. So far, so good. Our gardens were large with flowers everywhere and stone paths that lead to fountain. This morning there was mist on the ground. As I walked along the old vines covering the large wall, I looked for the hidden door. Quietly, I ran out and into the beautiful yet mysterious forest. This was one of my favorite places. Each morning I would take this trail that lead me to a sky scraper water fall. I could hear the birds singing. Nobody comes in the forest: they're too scared. I love this place! The ground was a little slippery as I went up the hill to the waterfall. The closer I got to the waterfall the faster I ran. As I got closer to the river with four flat, large boulders, I smiled. Before I got to the side of the river, I jumped high into the air and did a flip landing on my feet on the first rock. I jumped and did a sumer salt on to the second. Then I jumped the third and fourth. I jumped the last rock coming down turning into a wolf. My heart was beating against my chest as I ran; adrenaline running through my veins. I ran as fast as my 4 legs could carry me. I loved feeling this rush as I jumped over a log. I was running uphill and could see the top of the waterfall. As I reached the top, I slowed down and turned back into a human. I heard the sound of the waterfall filling my ears; the breeze blowing my hair and the mist spraying my face from the waterfall. I was breathing hard but it was worth it. I could see the trees and lakes for miles. I looked down at the steep drop of the waterfall. I was just thinking- this is beautiful- when I felt a rough push from behind. The rocks were slippery and I couldn't get a grip. I fell forward over the waterfall. AHHHHHHH!! I had to think quickly! Do I change and risk my identity or fall to my death? Dah! I want to live! I changed into an eagle. My powerful wings beating as I climbed into the sky. As I glided above, I looked for signs of who had pushed me. I swooped down to get a better look but there aren't any foot prints and I don't hear anything. He might still be close by, hiding somewhere. Well, now somebody knows my secret. I stayed an eagle for a little bit searching for clues but to no avail. Half way home I changed back into a human. All my senses alert. "This is just great! Now my forest isn't even safe!" I crept carefully, hiding in the trees and bushes trying not to make a sound. I finally made it to the garden walls. I quickly looked for the secret door in the garden wall. I found it and quickly ran inside. I heard noises and ran over to one of the flower beds pretending to study a purple tulip. I heard footsteps come toward me and stop behind me. "Good morning dear!" I looked up to see my mother. She had her green cape on and her hood on her head.

"Morning, mom."

"My, you are sweaty! "What were you doing?"

"Nothing! Just walking around the gardens."

"All right! See you at breakfast."


I watched her walked away and let out the breath I was holding. Not even mother knew of my trips to the forest. I quickly went inside and headed to my room to take a quick bath and change. I quickly put on a red dress and ran down the stairs to the banquet room. As I walked in and sat down next to Mother, my uncle was saying something. When Uncle saw me, he nearly choked on his poached egg!

"Surprised to see me Uncle?"

"No-no, of course not!" He stuttered.

I just smiled sweetly. This seemed to annoy him. We both had a stare down.

"Umm, everything ok?"

"Yes, Dad." I hurriedly finished my breakfast and went out to practice sword fighting with Dakota.

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