Chapter 5

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Ten years earlier…..

I was by the creek, practicing sword fighting with my dad. His face and black hair was glistening with sweat and green eyes deep in concentration. “Remember Dakota; always keep up your guard.” In lightning speed he thrust his sword at my face. I quickly sidestep and blocked his thrust.  I ducked as he swiped at my head and I sliced at his leg causing him to stumble to the ground. I grinned in triumph but it was short lived as he knocked my legs out from underneath me. I landed on my back with a hard thump. I sat up to catch my breathe. “Just because your enemy is on the ground, doesn’t mean he’s done.” He gave a mischievous smile. He got up and brushed off rugged, dirty pants, offering me a hand up while saying “Good Job! I’m proud of you.” He gave me a pat on the back. “Let’s take a break,” we sheathed our swords and sat down on the grass, enjoying the cool breeze. I leaned back and closed my eyes, enjoying the outdoors. I would stay out all day if I could. I was just starting to relax when I heard a blood curling scream. We both jumped up and looked at each other a single thought going through our minds-mom. We raced up the hill, my heart pounding against my chest. I reached the top of the hill, to see my house on fire. I could only stare in shock. I heard a scream again, I cringed, I know that voice-it was my little sister,Summer. I ran toward the house screaming their name's, when I felt strong arms pull me back. I struggled with tears streaming down my face. ”Stay here. I love you.” Dad said urgently before he ran toward the house. I nodded numbly. I memorized his face, every detail-his green eyes, firm jaw bone and the way he would smile at us. I watched frozen as my dad ran toward the burning house. I felt like it was going in slow mode. I waited a few excruciating moments that felt like years. He has to come out I thought but he never did. I shook my head no and screamed "No!" Without thinking I ran toward the burning house. As I got closer to the house engulfed in flames , the smoke began to make my eyes water. I pulled the door but it wouldn’t open. I wanted to scream in frustration. I used my shoulder on the door, putting all my anger and panic into the shove. It went down with a bang. My shoulder got caught on a jagged piece on the door. I pulled forward, ripping the fabric and leaving a piece on the door. The smoke was thick and I could barely could see through. Everywhere I looked, flames were consuming the house. I stumbled through the house, looking for my mother, sister and father. My throat felt raw from screaming their name's. I jumped out of the way barely missing a piece of wood that fell from the ceiling. I staggered to the living searching everywhere for them. I was starting to cough but I kept looking. Panic filled my mind when i realized they weren’t there. I was about to leave the living room when a wooden beam fell blocking my path. I could feel the heat intensifying and i fell to my knees, unable to stop coughing. I could feel myself starting to lose conscious. Part of me wanted to just stay here and die with my family, but I know that’s not what they would want. My vision was getting darker by the minute and I desperately looked for my escape. I could barely see but I remembered the window near my left. I stood shakily and jumped through the window. I rolled on the ground and just as I got to my knees, the house crumpled. I took a shaky breath, trying to calm my coughing and racing heart. After a few minutes, I finally stopped coughing and stood up feeling numb. My family, all that I had was gone. I wiped my face as I took one last painful look at my house before I ran into the woods. I barely remember where I went and could barely see through my tears. I kept tripping but getting up. I ran till I fell down with exhaustion unable to continue.  I hugged my knees to my chest and cried. Heavy shudders ran through my body as I sobbed. I barely remembered falling asleep. When I woke up, I was confused because I didn’t remember why I was here. Then it hit me like a brick wall, causing my chest to tighten. My family is gone ,I'm all alone. I cried some more till I had no tears left. "Well", I thought "crying isn’t going to bring them back "I thought bitterly. I had to take care of myself. I stood up and for the first time I looked at my surroundings. I was deep in the forest. Good thing dad taught me how to survive. I felt a drop of water on my head and looked up, noticing the sky was turning black. I have to find shelter before it breaks. I walked north looking for shelter. As I walked further, I noticed the wind had picked up. The cold wind stung my face. The trees were bending. Soon there was a torrent of rain coming down. Causing me to barely see through the rain. All I could hear was the mighty rush of wind, and soon it was like walking on quick sand. The wind was pushing me back; the wind roaring like a lion. I stumbled forward blindly. When I walked for a few minutes, I noticed a shape ahead. It looked like a cave! I ran forward and tripped on a loose rock falling into the cave. My body started to shudder from my wet clothes and the cold. “I could really use a fire about now.” I thought. Then I remembered all the times our family would sit by the fire and read a book. The Christmases we would spend together, Moms delicious cooking. I can still picture moms gentle yet knowing grey eyes and gentle face. I remember how I and Summer would sneak some of the apple pie. I couldn’t help but chuckle as I thought how mom would chase us around the room. Her sweet laughter and our filling the  cozy house, Dad would soon start chasing all of us around. All the bitter sweet memories came rushing back forward like a tidal wave. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to stop the memories. I couldn’t concentrate on them now- I have to focus, I shook my head. It took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I looked up and noticed shadows on the ceiling. I couldn’t tell what animal it was at first. I stood still and listened,  when I heard squeaking noises. I smiled! I know that animal, its bats. Well I thought at least I’ll have some company. Then I heard a trinkle and a splash coming from the right side of the cave. I carefully walked over and squatted down. I put my hand in and felt the cold water and grinned. It was an underground spring! I pumped my fist in the air. “Ya!”  This is going to be my new home I thought sadly. At the thought of my home, I nearly fell over. I put my hand on the wall to steady myself. The wall felt wet and cold. I closed my eyes trying to stop the painful memories of my family. I couldn’t think about them now. So I focused on studying the cave and noticed it was a fairly large cave. I lay down and curled into a ball for warmth. I listened to the howling wind and soon fell asleep. I woke up early the next morning. I stood and stretched my weary muscles, thinking of my plan for today. My stomach suddenly made a loud grumbling noise- I was hungry. “I wish I had my bow and arrow” I mumbled aloud. “Well, I’m going to have to make one.” I said with determination. I walked out and squinted at the bright light. I looked around for a non-twisted, dead, dry stick. Once I found the right branch I checked the bark for any cracks and the flexibility. Thanks to the storm branches were everywhere. I finally found one and sat down at the mouth of the cave. I pulled out my knife and went to work. The warm sun  felt good as I worked. It helped take out the chill from last night. By the time I was done my clothes were dry  and I looked proudly at my bow. It  only took a hour. All I need is a string! Snap. "Well, here goes nothing" I thought. I grabbed a nearby stick and thought of it in my mind as a string.  I watched it change, a second later it was a string. I grabbed some sticks and made some arrows. I stood up and examined my work. ”Not bad” The sun was starting to rise and the animals were waking up. I memorized where my cave was before hunting for some food. I looked for deer tracks. I found some recent tracks and followed them. I jogged through the woods, barely making a sound. I found the deer at the pond nearby. I hide behind a bush and readied my stance. I made sure my target was on track. I let it go and it hit its mark. I watched the deer drop. I slowly approached the deer. I made sure it was a quick death. I made a fire and cut the meat into strips and let it dry.  I sat on a rock and enjoyed the sun shine. Throughout the day, I would explore and work on getting stronger. I would practice my self-defense daily. This went on for a few years till something unexpected happened. I was in a tree picking some fruit when I heard a rustle below. I readied my bow and arrow, hiding in the branches. I sat deathly still. Below was a young wolf, sniffing the ground. I pulled back my arrow and was about to shoot when it look up at me. Its blue eyes memorized mine. I couldn’t move. It let out a growl before running away. I jumped from the tree and took off following it. I wasn’t going to shoot it; I just wanted to see it. I jumped over a log and took a left. I stopped and narrowed my eyes looking for where it went. I listened for any sounds but all was quiet. I heard a low growl and turned. When I was tackled to the ground- my arms pinned in a matter of seconds. I tried to squirm but at lightning speed the animal’s mouth was at my throat. The wolf was growling threating, showing her pointy teeth. I remained very still, starting at those blue eyes. “Why where you going to shoot me!” I started at her in shock, my mouth hanging open.

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