Chapter 4

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The next morning….

I woke up and stretched. I lay in bed for an extra few minutes thinking about Skull Mountain; more importantly how I was going to protect Kiara. I got up and got dressed, making sure I had all of my weapons. It was still dark outside and all was quiet. “Good thing Kiara didn’t bite me this morning.” I chuckled at the memory. I look around once more, my eyes adjusting to the dark. I rubbed my face one last time. I silently walked to my closet and opened the doors. Once I was inside, I looked for the trap door and found it a few minutes later. I jumped in and walked down the tunnel on the right, the torches guiding the way. When I reached the dead end, I remembered to look up on the ceiling for the door. I climbed the ladder and opened the door, peeking out. I got out and silently closed the door and looked for Kiara. I found her talking softly to Coal, her horse. I snuck up to her and whispered “Good Morning, Kiara.” She spun around, ready to attack. “Whoa, it’s ok... It’s just me.”

She dropped her hands, “Sorry. You always just appear!” she smiled and laughed. Then her face turned serious.  “All set.” I nodded and walked toward Quick Silver. I quickly saddled my horse. Thankfully, we had already packed everything last night. “I’m ready for an adventure.” I smiled.

“Yes, let’s go,” she had a twinkle in her eyes and a crazy grin on her face. We went out the back, making sure nobody was there. We went through the gates and set our horses into a gallop. We didn’t talk; both of us lost in thought. I remember all the adventures me and Kiara went on as kids. As we took the secret trail to town, the sun was starting to rise. I heard the birds singing their morning song; chirping, twittering and peeping.  The trail ended and we clomped slowly through town. It was like the other day. Nobody was around; all was quiet. We passed through the town square; the fountain spraying us as we went by. We left town and continued on the dirt road through the fields and into the forest. I looked at Kiara; she was leaning forward with anticipation. I smiled at her attitude.

“What?” confusion written on her face.

“Nothing, you look excited.” I chuckled.

“I am but also a little nervous,” she grinned, her golden hair blowing in the breeze.

We traveled in silence for the next ten miles both enjoying the breeze through the trees and the sounds of little critters.  We chatted off and on the next 10 miles.  My stomach started to growl as I remembered I hadn’t eaten much for breakfast. 

“Let’s stop here and eat. I’m starved!  Kiara, can you find us some water?”

“Be back in a minute!”  With that she turned into a wolf and disappeared in the forest.  I dismounted my horse, took the reins of Kiara’s horse and tethered them to a nearby tree.  I grabbed the basket from Kiara’s saddle bag and set out our lunch on a tree stump.  I love the way she packs a lunch; ham sandwiches, grapes and chocolate chip cookies!  Absolutely fit for a king!  I jumped when I heard a noise in the bushes.  But my reaction was too slow and a wolf sprang from its hiding and jumped on top of me! 

“Kiara! Not funny! Get off!  Did you find water?”

“Of course I did!  It’s just a few trees back,” she retorted as she turned back into herself.

“Let’s eat.  I’m hungry and you did an awesome job packing this lunch!”  

We ate quickly; repacking the leftovers.  We watered the horses and continued on our way.

A few more miles passed and I saw the top of Skull Mountain. The wind had picked up and I pulled my cape tighter. “I think we should set up camp a little further in the woods. What do you think?”

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