Chapter 2

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I woke up with searing pain in my shoulder. My mind was still fuzzy. Why does my shoulder hurt? Then it all came back -the cave-Dakota-flying home-an attack. Today I would go to town and get some answers. As I slowly and gingerly got out of bed, I noticed the sky; the sun already high. I probably missed breakfast. I slowly got out of my pj's and changed into my clothes. As I walked to my door, I tripped over something on the floor. I looked down to see a tray with a toast and egg sandwich. My favorite! I wonder who brought this? Probably Crystal; she always looks out for me. I picked up the tray and walked over to my bed and sat down to eat. It smelled delicious. As I lifted my sandwich, the top bread came off. I noticed where the egg touched the bread, it looked discolored and something shriveled was attached..... What the heck is that?!!! I looked closer and smelled it. Wow, that was nasty. Something wasn't right. My brain started to work. I love to pick mushrooms but you have to know which are edible and which are poisonous. Some poisonous mushrooms look almost exactly like nonpoisonous ones. By the smell, I knew it was not good to eat. As I examined it more closely, I could see it was an Amanita mushroom; also called the Destroying Angel! I was shocked; then angry. Who wanted to kill me!? One bite of this mushroom is sudden death. There is no known antidote. I wanted to march down to the kitchen and demand some answers, but that would scare the responsible person off. Carefully, I wrapped the sandwich and hid it behind the books. Whoever did this is very serious about my death. I took my plate and headed to the kitchen. Of course, guards where everywhere I went. As I went slowly by each one, I checked to see if there were any scratches. I was halfway to the kitchen and still didn't find my attacker. I nearly growled in frustration. I went into the kitchen and heavenly smells greeted me. Some people were washing dishes; others cooking or cutting up veggies. This is one of the busiest places in the castle. It was a spacious room with many windows. Pots and pans were hanging from the ceiling and two stoves with simmering soups and three ovens were full of baking bread. As I walked over to the sink to put my dishes in it, I was greeted by everyone.

"Hi Kiara, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm fine!" Just peachy, I thought. First thing to start my day, I had been served a poisoned breakfast! I walked over to Francis, our main cook as she was cutting carrots. She had a short stature with red curly hair, a round face and sparkling, big, green eyes. She always smelled like chocolate chip cookies.

"Hi Francis! Who made breakfast for me today?"

"I did of course! Was it good?"

"Ummmmm, it was different."

She raised an eyebrow. I couldn't lie to her because she was like a second mom to me. I leaned in closer and whispered in her ear. "It was poisoned. I found a Destroying Angel mushroom in it; thankfully before I bit into it."

She let out a small gasp, her hand covering her mouth. Her face was pale and filled with shock. I showed her the bread. "I promise! I didn't-I wouldn't!" Panic in her voice. She took my hands and squeezed them hard." You believe me, don't you?" she rambled.

I looked into her eyes and I knew she wasn't lying. "I believe you." I answered reassuringly.

She let out a breath, relief written on her face. She then paled and I felt her fall forward. I quickly took her by the arm and led her to a stool. The kitchen help had taken a break outside, so,thankfully no one saw her. "Who would poison you? What if it's in all the food?" She wildly looked around the room almost falling of the stool.

"I think the poison was only for me but I can't be sure. Be careful and check everything. Keep this on the down low. I don't want a panic. Now, did you see anybody by my food?"

"I don't know," her face getting its color back. "Oh, wait I remember," snapping her fingers. "I was the only one here in the kitchen. Everyone else was doing chores. Then I got called to the back door to receive a delivery."

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