chapter 9

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All I could do was stare at the dead end before me! Many thoughts were going through my mind. The most repeating one was, “What the heck!” I decided to voice my thoughts.  

“What the blueberries! We came all this way for nothing! We almost died for nothing! That can’t be right, there has to be a solution.” I looked over at Dakota, who seemed to have the same reaction as me. In front of us was a dead end.

“This isn’t right,” Dakota mumbled. “I agree; there has to be something. They wouldn’t have all those traps for nothing. They are hiding something.”

“I agree, but the question is; what are they hiding? Let’s look around.”

We both studied the room trying to find something to move the dang wall.

 "I have an idea," Dakota said with a comical expression. "Open Sesame!"

 "Seriously that's the best u can do?” Weirdo, I thought. Dakota just shrugged his shoulders. After a few minutes I was starting to get frustrated. There was absolutely no sign off anything that would help us. I let out an annoyed huff.

 “So far I’ve come up with nada, but we can’t give up yet.”  I nodded my head. Sadly he was right.  I crouched down and stared moving rocks and dirt around, trying to find something. After searching for a while, I kicked a nearby pebble with my foot a little too hard. The rock went flying and knocked over another rock.  I noticed Dakota had crouched down and was staring at something intently. I wondered what he had found.

“Kiara, come and see this!” I started walking over but I could see it from where I was because of my new and improved eye sight.     If he found some type of bug for excitement....Let's just say, it won't end well for him.

 "I found a way to open the door or….." He held the or for a few seconds. "To our death." He said in a dramatic voice. Rolling my eyes, I strolled over and squatted down to examine the small rectangle hole in the ground. It was just big enough to fit a large hand through. I studied the hole with interest. The rock I kicked had knocked over another rock that was just a cover.

"I wonder what's down there. "I thought to myself. I thought of the possibilities- just an ordinary hole, a bug’s house, something deadly or helpful. I hoped for the last one.

"Maybe there’s food." Dakota said.

Smacking his arm, I said, "I doubt it, but if there is I call dibs."

 "Hey!" Dakota protested.

Smirking I said, "I thought of it!  I get it!"

Dakota's eyes lit up with mischief. "Whoever gets it first gets it."

 "Whatever dude!"  Dakota took a deep breath, and hesitantly, stuck his hand in the hole.                                                                           


Taking a deep breath, I cautiously put my hand in the hole. The air felt damp and cool on my skin. I pushed my hand forward, my fingers feeling for anything. I could feel cobwebs and the dirt under my fingernails. Suddenly I felt something super slimy crawl across my hand, I almost screamed but didn't. I had to be macho for Kiara. I looked in my peripheral vision to see Kiara watching me intently. Man she is a beauty, I thought.  With her yellowish eyes she seemed even prettier. Focus Dakota, I thought to myself. Suddenly I felt something rough and hard under my finger my tips. What the….!

 "Did you find something?" Kiara asked excitedly.

 "I think so. Hold on. It’s square shaped. Maybe I can…" I gave it a pull and a second later we heard a loud groan. The wall had opened!

 “Holy guacamole! Thank you for choosing option four."  As I got up, I noticed a green slime on my hand. I quickly rubbed it off. Wouldn't you know a green slug crawled out of the hole. He looked in my direction and I promise on biscuits, he glared at me.  Bring it on little slug. You wanna go? I was snapped out of my staring contest by Kiara poking me.

"Why are you glaring at the snail like he took your food? Seriously, give the little guy a break."

 I pointed my finger at him. "He spit on me. I'm the victim here," I exclaimed.

 Kiara rolled her eyes. "Are we really having this argument?"

"Yes! Do you not see the snail smirking at me?"

 "Snails don't smirk."

"You would be surprised," I exclaimed, crossing my arms.

"Let’s agree to disagree."

"I am offended that you took his side.  I'm going to go through first!"

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