chapter 8

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We proceeded slowly and cautiously. My foot slipped on a rock but I steadied myself.  We took a couple of steps before I noticed a thin wire covered by rocks and dirt.  I held up my hand, signaling Dakota to           “stop." Wire!” I whispered. “HA! They thought they could stop us with a wire. Beat this!!!!” I took out a dagger from my boot (A girl can never be too careful!) and with a snap of my wrist, I cut the wire. A split SECOND later a javelin flew out of nowhere and nearly missed Dakota’s shoulder!   I turned around facing Dakota with a smirk and my hands on my hips. "Do you think we are not welcome?"

 Dakota pretended to be shocked while putting a hand on his heart. “How can you say that? Just because the place is called Skull Mountain, and they tried to kill us?" He shook his finger at me. "Naughty girl. I'm sure they are glad to see us."

I just rolled my eyes.

"Don’t you roll your eyes at me young lady!" Dakota said in a mocking voice.

I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Gasp!!!!!! How rude."

I couldn't help but laugh, even though I might die any moment. The thought of dying brought me back to completing the mission. After the first trap, we walked even slower. We had traveled just a few feet, when suddenly; with a shout, we fell through the ground into darkness.  We fell for a couple of seconds before we splashed into freezing water. When my head went under I gasped at the cold water. My feet touched bottom and I pushed myself up. "Dakota," I thought with alarm. I quickly turned to see Dakota's head pop up; his eyes were wide and his mouth in a grim line. His hair stuck to his head; water dripping down his nose… I don’t want anything to happen to that nose… Yikkes!  Snap out of it!

 "I officially don't like this mountain." Dakota said.

 I raised my eyebrow, “Really, now you don't like it?”

“I mean, who would trap people in a water pit that's freezing cold? That is sooo mean!” Dakota said. 

I just shook my head.

 “Wow!  All I can say is, wow. “I shook my head again. He is such a dork, I thought. But so nice to look at!  Yes, but that's why you like him, my conscience argued. No, I don’t. Who are you trying to convince?  Out loud I said, “How are we going to get out?"  I could see daylight high above us.

 “Well, we can't climb out," Dakota said swimming over to the wall. He touched the wall and said," The walls are too slippery." He swam back to me.

“I can't shape-shift and fly out because my wings would be wet." I could feel the freezing water starting to make my body shake and Dakota's lips were turning blue. I knew we had to get out fast because we were in danger of hypothermia. That would be a cold way to go. Dang it!  I analyzed the situation. We were at least 15 feet down from the ledge in freezing water that was very deep. We could tread water for a little while longer but my fingers were already numb and I couldn’t really feel my feet. Eventually this would be, game over.  The area was at least 20 feet wide.

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