Chapter 1

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(Dan's POV)

I've never liked homeschooling, but I guess my family's wealth means that its hard for me to go to a normal school, and I hate the idea of a private school. It's always disappointing walking into town and down the high street, seeing gangs of teenagers shoving each other around and laughing, whilst I walked on my own to buy the things I needed before returning straight home again. I'm seventeen, and yet I've never had a best friend or a girlfriend. Today was no exception. My scruffy black converse are soaked through, I never bother to look where I walk which means my shoes get coated in mud from puddles pretty quickly. The short quiet woman on the till gives me a sympathetic look as I walk through the corner shop door, pulling my hood down and sorting my fringe out. Damnit, I have a huge fringe gap yet again. The rainy British weather is not ideal when you have hair like mine. I shuffle down the isle, avoiding eye contact with other people as I pick up a few bags of Walkers crisps, a litre of coke, and of course, a box of Lucky Charms. I hand over a ten pound note at the till then grab my bag and head out into the rain again. Glancing sideways at the teenagers standing by the bike racks, I manage to trip over my own feet and fall clumsily to the ground. Well done Dan, the minute you have a chance to embarrass yourself in front of people who could actually be your friends you take it. Claps for you.

Nobody's home when I put my key in the lock and open the door. I untie my shoes with great difficulty because I'm always stupid enough to double knot them really tight. Walking to my room, I unplug my laptop from the plug on the landing and open the door to my room. I flop straight onto my bed, grab the snacks and prepare for an evening alone with just Netflix and food to keep me company. I'm guessing my mum's taken my brother Adrian out for dinner without me. What a surprise.

"Mikasa!!" Attack on Titan is easily the best anime ever created, I'm watching the series for the eleventh time. Never gets old. Adrian suddenly bursts into my room. I'm guessing they're home then. He throws a sock at my head then runs out screaming "FOR SPAARTTAAAA". That boy will never make sense to me. He shows no signs of maturing either, which probably means he'll act like he's insane for at least a few years yet. My mum calmly walks into my room.

"Hi darling, sorry we just popped out for dinner and forgot to tell you". Great, thanks mum.

"Evonne called, you have an appointment tomorrow morning for your therapy so you need to get up early, okay sweetie??". She walks out before I have a chance to say anything.

I hate Evonne. She think she understands me when really she doesn't. She just throws diagnosis' at me left right and centre, then tells me to stay positive and try to talk to new people. Helpful, because I have some pretty severe depression which doesn't exactly make it easy to stay positive, especially when my entire life is pointless and useless. Also the whole meeting new people thing is hard too considering my anxiety plays up every time I walk within ten metres of someone I'm not familiar with.

I sigh and huddle under my six blankets, trying to push out my thoughts and sleep. Finally my head empties of worries and I doze off.

I wake to my mum sitting on the end of the bed.

"Your dad called. I'm afraid we can no longer afford to home tutor you Dan. Adrian will continue but A Level home tutors are just too expensive. There's hardly any money in accountancy anymore, and your dad needs all the money he can get to reinvest. You'll start school on Monday morning, in year twelve at a lovely place called Mountview High. I'll leave you to get dressed for your appointment." Just like that, the door shuts quietly behind her.

I lie still and speechless, staring at the ceiling.

A/n If you like this story please please go and read my new one, Hazel. It would mean a lot! ^.^ thanks 

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