Chapter 16

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I feel it hit him. I feel it pierce his skin, and push through his chest. He lets out a gurgle, not a scream but a pathetic cry for help. Its too late to help him now. I let go of the poker, but the damage is already done. Blood trickles out of his mouth, and his eyes widen before slowly closing. I step away from Phil, in time to watch his body sink to the floor in agony. He twists his knees, and his face contorts into a desperate silent scream. Then he lies still. A pool of deep crimson flows around him, and his shirt is soaked through with blood. The blood doesn't stop. I stare in horror at Phil, a man whom I love, a man who I shared so many happy memories wth, a man who I just murdered. I rush over to his body, and continue to stare at the blood spilling on the floor.

I kiss him. I don't know why, maybe to show him that he'll always be mine, that I will be his last kiss. For whatever reason, I kissed him. I couldn't ignore the blood on my hands as I grasped his body, pressing my lips against his, but I needed to feel him go cold. Just like he watched my blood run cold as he told me I meant nothing to him.

Then it hits me. I killed him. Murder. I killed a man, and I would end up paying the price. What would they do? Would they lock me up? Of course they would, I murdered someone for crying out loud. I have nowhere to go, nobody to run to. My family would just cart me off to jail and never talk to me again. Phil was the only person I was ever truly honest with in my life. And now he lies stone cold on the floor in front of me in a pool of his own blood. 

But is he dead? Maybe he's still alive. I reach over to check his pulse. Dead. I don't know what else I was expecting, I put a metal poker through his heart. Then I get frantic.

I start to pace, trying to think things through but failing completely. There's nothing much that you can do once you've murdered  someone. I can try to run, but I know I'll end up getting caught within a week or so anyway. I can turn myself, and accept a life behind bars. That's it. My only options. In a moment of anger, I have destroyed my entire life. 

But there is one other option. Am I willing to go through with it? The voices have been silent throughout this whole ordeal. Maybe they know that's what's going to happen anyway. Perhaps it's for the best. I mean I've tried before, but now I really have to make sure I don't fail. 

Now I'm sure, its the only way out. People may call me a coward when they find out what happened, but I'm a coward anyway.

I'm going to go home, and figure out the best way to kill myself.

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