Chapter 15

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I'm dreading this. I stop to sit cross legged on the side of the road, about a hundred meters before the turning for the hostel. Okay, breathe Dan. It can't be that bad, its only Phil. Gathering all my willpower, I got up and slowly walked along the road to the building. There's a light on in the front lounge area. Crap, he's here already.

I open the door carefully, and look inside to see Phil sat on the nearest brown suede couch, his legs together and his hands in his lap.


"Phil. What did you need to talk to me about?"

"Come to sit down Dan, its not good news. I'm sorry to have to tell you this now, after everything." Now I'm worried. I go to sit on the couch opposite his, and stare intensely at his eyes, he looks like a sad puppy again, but this time I don't pity him. I just want to know what he's brought me all the way here to say, and why it isn't good news.

"Dan, I've been hiding something from you for a while." My body tenses.

"Go on..."

"I'm so, so sorry I haven't told you this before, and it was a horrid thing for me to do, and I can understand if you're upset or angry at me"

"GODDAMN PHIL JUST TELL ME" I'm getting shaky now.

"Okay, well, here goes. I'm married. I have a wife, and a baby on the way."

My heart shattered to a thousand pieces in that moment. I felt my stomach drop to my feet, and I momentarily stopped breathing. My legs start to tremble, my eyes twitch and I feel tears falling from my face. I can't do this. How could he do this. Phil. What happened? But he doesn't think he's said enough, so he carries on talking.

'It was all just a fling for me Dan, a caught up in the moment fling. And it can't continue any longer. I'm sorry for everything." He gives me a hurt frown and starts for the door, but I jump up in my rage and slam it shut, taking the key leaving it locked. 

"You can't leave me Phil. You can't. I need you. I won't let you leave, whether you like it or not."

I feel another type of anger possess me, desperate and hungry for release. I throw a small chair in front of the door, and turn back to Phil who stands, shocked in front of me.

"Dan, I've said I'm sorry. What more can I do?"

"You can stay with me, leave your wife and be with me."

"That's crazy, don't be ridiculous, she's pregnant for crying out loud!"

"I. Don't. Care. You owe me this."

"No Dan, I'm leaving. Goodbye." That's it. The final straw. I hurl my body at him, he scrambles backwards but I can feel my blood pulsing as I let out a wretched cry and lunge for him again. He cowers back, but I've got a taste for it now, I need to get rid of this anger, and Phil is the one here to help me. I see a pointed fire stoker in the fireplace just a few metres away, and go to pick it up. I lift it under my arm with both hands, before running straight towards Phil, who cowers in the corner. I aim for his heart, just like he aimed for mine those months ago.

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