Chapter 8

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Phil. Mr Lester. Phil. Mr Lester. Phil. Mr Lester. The words that constantly run through my head. Why? Why does he have to be a teacher? I'm eighteen in two months, then I could be with him all I wanted. But instead I have to wait just under a year for him to no longer be my teacher. But even then is it legal? We met through school, with him as a teacher and me his student, so maybe it won't even be allowed when I leave.

I sigh. What's the point in finding someone you want to be with when you can't be with them. I decide against settling down to watch some more anime, and instead sit still, thinking. I wonder if Phil likes anime. What does Phil like? I hardly even know that man, yet I'm longing for him.

I don't know how many minutes pass before I move from the spot where I watched Phil leave, but then I remember, my mum has his number in the address book so that she could keep up with how my tutoring is going. I wonder......

Opening the address book to P, I see just what I thought I would. I don't think twice before dialling the number on my mobile. It rings only twice before he picks up.


"Dan." His voice sounds ice cold, heartless even. "Dan listen to me, I'm not going to lie, I really liked what just happened between us. But you must know that this whole thing can never happen again, right?"

"I know phil. But I so wish it could." He stays silent, and I pause for a while, thinking. "if only there was somewhere secretive we could go, where nobody would find us. No-one would ever know...." I wish. As if he's going to take that offer Dan, I think to myself.

"Maybe. I know a place" What?!?! Would he really put everything on the line to see me? I feel more special than I've ever felt, and get a rush of dizzy happiness of how much this man is willing to give up for me. Then I feel my stomach drop like a stone in water. The consequences....if anyone found out. He'd be jailed for a long time, he'd never have a chance at a job in teaching ever again. I could ruin Phil's life.

"Really? You realise the consequences? You could be jailed for a long time, lose your shot at teaching forever" He stays silent for a while.

" I know that Dan"

"And you'd be willing to give that up for me, a seventeen year old nobody whom you barely know"

"We both know you're more than that to me, Dan." Gosh, this man is going to kill me sometime soon. I can't see his face, but I can picture the sparkle in his sea blue eyes, the perfect pout his lips form when he gets lost in thought.

"Phil, I know we hardly know each other but I really, really like you"

"Listen. There's an abandoned hostel off the left side of Churchgate Road, down near the industrial estate. Its only been out of use for about two months. Meet me there tomorrow at eight?" He sounds confused, but certain what he wants at the same time. Certain he wants me.

"Of course I'll meet you there Phil" I hear my parents pull up in the drive "Look, I have to go right now but I'll see you at school tomorrow" 

"Bye bye Danny" I ring off. My spine shivers at hearing his voice, its so low and....

"HI DAN. We're home darling. How was tutoring? Did you work hard?" My mum bursts through the front door, but walks upstairs to her room without bothering to listen for my reply. 

I flop on the sofa, dreading tomorrow but at the same time feeling excited, trying not to scream with happiness whilst trying not to cry.

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