Chapter 6

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I throw my bag on my bed, and follow it, curling into a tight ball under the duvet. What was that? Why does everything I do have to be so wrong? But his eyes.....I felt a connection. Almost like I could have just leaned in and..... NO!

These feelings can never be felt again. I try to push it out of my mind. I take out my laptop and search for Netflix. Erin and Mikasa will take my mind off Phil. I'm singing along to the familiar Attack on Titan theme tune when my mum knocks on the door. 

"Come in" I call to her from underneath my duvet cave.

"Hi Danny sweetie" I hate it when people call me Danny "How was your second day? Do you like your teachers?" I guess you could say that.

"It was fine Mum. What's for tea?" 

"Fish fingers and chips. Also, me and your Dad are going out with Adrian to his football dinner tomorrow night, so if you want to have some of your new friends over then you can" She gives me a smile and leaves the room, shutting the door behind her. Friends, huh? The closest I've come to a friend so far is Phil. Guess I'll be spending tomorrow evening alone then. 

**time skip**

Walking through the Mountview gates on Wednesday is easier than on Tuesday, but only slightly. I decide to skip formtime seeing as I haven't even been there yet, and head straight for English. The classroom is empty except for Phil sat at the front, scrolling on his laptop reading something.

"Come in Dan" I silently open the door and walk to my desk, he watches me the whole time as I get out my book and sit down.

"Morning sir, um, I mean Phil"

"Morning, please could I see the essay I set yesterday?" I get up to hand it to him, and stand awkwardly looking at my feet whilst he reads through it. 

"This is not A-level standard Dan, you know that right?"

"Oh..I've never really written essays before when I was home-schooled"

"Looks like you have a lot to catch up on. I tutor students in English for free if you think that would help you?" He looks at me expectingly. God, those eyes.

"I think maybe that would help. Is it after school?"

"No, I usually go to students houses when they're free, if that's alright with you...??" Oh no. He wants to come round my house. My messy house, with my dysfunctional family in it. 

"Sure, of course that's fine with me."

"I have a free slot tonight, if you're not busy?"

"My family are going out tonight, so it should be fine"

"I'll see you at around seven then?"

"Yeah, see you then sir" The bell rings, and the other English students flood through the door, moaning and shouting.

And just like that, Phil was coming round my house tonight to tutor me. But for some reason, it felt so much more than just tutoring. I know this would end badly, that I would try something stupid or embarrass myself. But I don't care.

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