Chapter 2: The New Chosen Children

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The original Chosen Children gathered in the playground that night. Koushirou was typing in his laptop with Yamato looking away sitting on top of the ladder. Hikari was pacing around wondering how she could get them to talk.

"They haven't been talking since then?" Takeru whispered to her ears. Hikari nodded reluctantly. She could never get over what happened to her brother but she did not wish to see both Yamato and Koushirou ignoring one another.

"Seems like Koushirou had not gotten over that." Jou commented sitting further away from them. "Perhaps, things will end differently if he had never left the team." He glanced at the two who were looking away from one another. "If that's the case, I'm at fault too. Mimi and I..."

"Stop it, Jou. If that's so, I'm at fault too. If I only I wasn't caught up with my darkness..." Sora's voice rang from his back. She just arrived and overheard him. She took a deep breath and continued. "Taichi wouldn't have wanted us to blame ourselves for what had happened to him."

"I'm sorry. I didn't notice your arrival" Jou apologized.

"Sorry I'm late." Takenouchi Sora apologized to catch everybody's attention. They were all minding their own business.

Yamato jumped down from where he was sitting.

"It's been a while since we all got together." Sora said.

Daisuke, Miyako and Iori were deep in their thought, amazed by the day's happening. Miyako was determined to visit the so-called Digital World tomorrow. On the other hand, Daisuke was lying in his bed throwing his soccer ball up and down.

"I wonder how's he doing now?" He wondered about V-mon. He was especially awed by the adventure he had in the Digital World.

"Hikari-chan, is she alright?" Daisuke mumbled to himself. Hikari and Takeru left with Yamato and Koushirou for a meeting and they would not allow him to join. He decided to let it go. He did not want to anger Hikari and lose their friendship.

"Ahh, damn it!" He decided to sleep it off. He pulled off his newly found goggles and stopped. He cleaned the goggles and noticed some scratches. Other than that, it was not as worn out as he thought. That was a proof that the adventure was not a dream. He pulled out his broken pair, his new Digivice, placed them on his side table and called it a day.

"Daisuke-kun of the Soccer Club went to the Digital World?" Sora exclaimed in surprise.

"Miyako-san and Iori-kun, who lived in the same building as me, have the new Digivices too." Takeru added.

"So, those three are the new Chosen Children?" Jou asked.

"Yeah, so it seems." Koushirou confirmed. Yamato nodded.

"But if that Digimon Kaiser is hunting Digimon, will Piyomon and the rest be alright?" Sora asked worriedly.

"Mimi-san sent me an e-mail from America. She was worried about Palmon." Hikari said. Not just Sora, everyone was worried.

"But when I left the room, the gate had already closed." Koushirou stated understanding that putting aside their differences; they have the same thought in mind.

"Make sense." Jou said.

"In any case, I will check all the computers in the computer lab tomorrow." Koushirou declared. He was determined to go if the gate was open.

"I'll go too." Sora joined in. Hikari and Takeru nodded in agreement. They were going of course.

"Sorry, I have a national test." Jou apologized.

"Yeah, I know. You are always busy and she can continue shirking responsibility by staying in America." Koushirou added sarcastically. Not just Yamato, He was not in good term with Jou and so is Mimi.

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