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25 One-Shots of Syndisparklez and Motanite mixed stories

Mostly based around Tom and Jordan, but we might see some other shipping there too. Motanite and Tonja mentioned!

Table of Contents for Quick Browse:

25: Sad/Death/Mianite Season 2/Fluff/SyndiSparklez

24: Fluff/Robbery Gone Wrong/SyndiSparklez/Mianite Season 1

23: When Mot and Dia Play Cupid/Fluff/SyndiSparklez/Motanite/AU Mianite Season 3

22: Fluff/SyndiSparklez/Roommates

21: Love/Sad/Death/Loneliness/SyndiSparklez

20: Fluff/SS/Meh: 1/10

19: Motanite/SexierFluff/Jealousy

18: Fear of Intimacy/Fluff/SS

17: Prank/NoFluff/Fear of Intimacy/SS

16: Sexy/Serial Killer/SS

15: SS/Cheating

14: Arachnophobia

13: Zombie-Apocalypse

12: Motanite/Troubled-Relationship

11: Da fuq did I spend two hours writing????????





6: Valentine's day shenanigans in the void

5: Angst Bruh

4: Apprentice Shipping continues with Mot going rogue

3: Apprentice shipping continues wit Mot. Dirty dancing. On Jordan. Happy ending that's SyndiSparkle


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