15: Drunk

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It was a few drinks in when Jordan started hanging off of him, nuzzling his face into Tom's neck.

Usually, getting Jordan to stop drinking soda and meager mixed drinks, it took forcing them down his throat. Tonight, Jordan was in a good mood and had joined in a game of Never Have I Ever. Tom may have purposely targeted Jordan with his claims. Like for example, "Never have I ever, missed a friend's invitation to hang with them before and after Insomnia."

But once Jordan was drunk, which for the lightweight didn't take much, magic happened. Jordan didn't care about personal space, his anal retentive behavior dropped and he was prone to suggestions.

Very prone.

Tom loved seeing this side of Jordan and greedily enjoyed his open behavior,  the warmth from his happiness. It was the sweetest beverage there.

Especially when Jordan crawled into his lap and straddles him. No one was paying attention, their booty was far back in the shadows of the bar. It made Tom feel all the more excited. With alcohol in his system, Tom didn't mind going either way. One night stands weren't committing to anything serious. His hands slid to Jordan's hips he fiddled with the waistband of his shorts.

The kiss wasn't what Tom was suspecting. He expected Jordan to be gentle, but the drunken man was dominating and controlling in his kiss. Taken by surprise, Tom let Jordan take the upper hand, let Jordan cup his chin and rest a hand near his throat. It almost felt like Jordan intended to steal everything Tom had in him, like Jordan was going to suck the life out of him.

That turned Tom on.

He responded back, letting one of the hands drift up to tangle in Jordan's hair and wrench the man's head back. Tom had one thing to make clear, he lead, not the other way around.

Teasingly, he pressed his lips to the hollow of Jordan's throat and trailed his tongue up. He felt Jordan whimper and Tom bit down, nipping at delicate skin. The hand on his shoulder tightened and he could feel his fingers digging in.

The look on Jordan's face. Those warm eyes filled with pleasure and his lips parted in a silent cry. Jordan's eyes followed Tom and he shifted his hips. He wanted Tom to kiss him.

Tom caved. The hand in Jordan's hair tightened as he brought the other's mouth to him. He ran his tongue over Jordan's bottom lip. A heat traveled through him making him shiver. The feel of Jordan's lips and tongue was heaven and Tom wasn't going to let heaven close its gates on him.

The kiss became intimate far too fast.

His hand on Jordan's waist slipped to grab his ass, digging in hard enough to make Jordan cry out.

It would have kept going, probably to a bedroom, if it hadn't been for King Cock Blocker.

"You dropped this," Tucker said coldly, and put Jordan's phone on the table beside us. With five new messages from the older man's...girlfriend.

Jordan was dating. Tom hadn't known, how could he have, Jordan never said anything. 

"Wasn't a smart idea getting drunk, was it?" Tucker questioned, his eyes on Jordan.  The man got up and guiltily rubbed the back of his back. He spared Tom a look of apology and then his eyes drifted to the phone.

"I was planning on breaking up with her," he said in defense as Tucker glowered at him.

"She called; you promised her you would be back an hour ago, Jordan. I don't care what mess you're going through, but I know the girl you're dating is a good one and you're not doing this to her," Tucker said and his eyes flitted to Tom who was taking offense at the whole situation.

It's not like he would have wanted Jordan to wake up next to him feeling guilty, he was hoping...oh what did it matter, Jordan wasn't waking up next to him any time soon. He wanted to defend Jordan, but Tucker had a point. The look in Jordan's eyes wouldn't let him defend Jordan either. It was a self-loathing, a look someone gets when they hate themselves for their mistakes and no one can tell them otherwise.

"I was stressed. I know she's good," Jordan slid his phone in his pocket without looking at the messages, "which is why I'm struggling to break up with her. I'm not in love with her. I..." He stopped short and shook his head. "I'm sorry, Tom. I used you to feel better."

He wanted to reassure Jordan he really didn't mind being used. But...he did mind and Jordan didn't want him to cushion his guilt. Tom opted for nodding in understanding.

"Let's call you an Uber," Tucker said after a moment. Jordan had started crying and Tom's heart broke.

God, fuck life. He was having such a good time and now the guy he was having it with his feeling guilty for kissing him and...damn it all to hell. Tom walked past Jordan, not sparing him a look and slapped a bill on the bar counter. The only cure to a sticky situation caused by alcohol was more alcohol.


When he saw Jordan a week later, his friend looked worse for wear. There were circles under his eyes and his smile was false.

"How'd it go?" Tom asked.

Jordan rubbed his neck, suspiciously in the area Tom had left a mark. "She, well, figured out I cheated...and I--we didn't break up." His eyes were downcast.

"I thought you didn't love her?" Tom asked. Jordan shrugged.

"I can learn how to," he argued weakly. When Tom didn't believe him, Jordan buried his head in his hands for a second. "I felt guilty, Tom! She was crying, I felt like the bad guy and so I apologized and now everyone's mad at me and I don't know how to fix it," he cried out. He was crying and Tom wasn't going to allow it.

Jordan wasn't bad, this boy was a fucking angel. Selfless. Sweet. Yet so...very...stupid. He pulled Jordan into a hug as the man cried.

"Bro, it's going to be fine. But you can't force yourself to love her. Do what's best for you," Tom said, soothingly rubbing Jordan's back.

"But I'll hurt her," Jordan said weakly.

How could you tell a man who wanted everyone else to be happy and suffered because of it to change? You couldn't.

"I just want you to be happy," Tom said softly.

They went silent. All too soon the hug felt too intimate, too real, too personal.

"I'll see you later. 'Kay, Jordan?" Tom said as he pulled back

The next words haunted Tom, for some reason they seemed too final.

"Goodbye, Tom."

Sadly, realistic situations, not great at happy endings.

Just out of curiosity? Is Jordan in the right; his cheating was okay because he planned on breaking up that night? Or is he in the wrong; since he was still in a relationship when he cheated/considered doing so?

25 Days of SyndiSparklez and MotaniteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora