9: Counting Days

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Day 1:

The Inertia breakout didn't go as planned. Jordan and I were caught and considered traitors to be jailed for our crimes. There wasn't even a real trial, they took us to court, read off our crimes and shipped us off to the island. Everything, even the clothes we call comfortable were stripped from us. We were put in cells across from Andor. He wept tears of great sadness at the sight of us. 

Day 2:

They moved Steve down to the lower cells. We're all together I guess, great for a breakout. We're chained to the wall, but that's only a small obstacle. We'll figure something out. God, Jordan makes this so much easier. It's hilarious how he passes time--even if I make fun of him for the puns.

Day 5:

For the past two days, they did nothing, but beat us. We'd hardly be standing before the guards would swing. Sometimes we'd still be on the ground and they'd kick us over and over. What little food they've gave us quickly comes up. Jordan did better at coping at it than me. Even bleeding he could smile, could tell me there's a way out. He would come up with these plans and Steve and I could agree they could work, but Andor...Andor would just start crying. Today, I want to smile too.

Day 6:

Making tally marks on the wall helps, Jordan says as it long as it helps I should keep doing it. I just want to feel like I know what's going on outside still.

Day 7:

It feels so hopeless.

Day 9:

Everything hurts, Jordan stopped coming up with plans, Steve's suggested a few. Why has Jordan stopped smiling?

Day 11:

Lieutenant Alister came today, he didn't do anything just told us he would be over seeing our "correction sessions" personally. I told him to go suck a dick. I feel like I might be punished for it, but for now fuck Mianite and his followers.

Day 13:

He fucking gave me a concussion! I don't remember the past two days or what happened during the "correction sessions" Steve's quiet now and Jordan won't stop crying. He looks godawful. What did they do to him? What did Al do to him? We don't talk much now. We scarcely have the energy to think, let alone move our mouths.

Day 16:

The four of us, all watching each other suffer day after day. Lieutenant Al was some type of sick sadist, he gets off hearing our screams. Especially, Jordan's. I wish I could drown then out. 

Day 17:

It doesn't matter what time of day or night it is, he comes down, his armor clanking and clinking, warning us it's his turn to teach us a lesson. Alister always whistles before he comes down, the same old tune too. It's like a death message. After the first torture session, Jordan starts sobbing when he hears it. He should, they do worse things to him. I don't know why. Is it done sick perverted deal with them, or do they just want to crush his hopes?"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please, stop," he says the same things. He makes bargains, he pleads everything he has. They never listen. 

Day 20: I reach through the bars to grab Jordan's hand. Whatever Al did to him is killing him from the inside. I've never seen him look so broke.

Day 25:

Jordan's cell is next to mine. It becomes painful to hear him scream, or when they cut his throat just to have him bleed out, and respawn him without healing him just for it to happen over and over again in a gruesome cycle. Andor's been going through this for months, he tries to counsel us, but he's broken himself. I'm hoping they let up on Jordan, he's starting to look dead most of the time. I made Jordan promise me we would together.

Day 30:
I stopped caring what they did to me. It all hurts, that's the the gist of it. But Jordan's screams, all of their screams, hit home the hardest. I can't take hearing them. I was tempted to stuff rocks in my ears.

Day 32:

Jordan won't look at anyone. Steve never leaves the shadows of his cell. Andor just sits and stares at nothing it's bloody hell here and I feel so alone.

Day 36:

I can't do this. When will it stop. Jordan's gone silent completely, I don't think he breathes anymore.

Day 45:

They took Jordan and Andor away.

Day 47:

They haven't returned.

Day 49:

No one has come back.

Day 50:

Steve and I are breaking out tonight. I swear it.

Day 51:

We will tonight, we'll get out

Day 52:

I promise

Day 53:

I'm sorry, Jordan. I found your...remains...I guess they were done with you two. It looks like they abandoned ship. Help came, Jordan, if only they hadn't killed you. Sonja, Tucker, Martha--they all came. They saved Steve and me. But you...and Andor...are gone. Why couldn't they let you live?

Day: 57

I'm still counting days. Jordan, you were supposed to get out with me. I won't stop counting until you come back home. Steve moved away the moment he was free, I feel so goddamn alone, Jordan, man, why can't they revive you?

Day 75:

Any day now, they'll think of something to revive you. We're not supposed to die with our gods around.

Day 106:

Do you even want to come back?

Day 144:

They say your soul is gone. It's...just...vanished. I think mine left me too.

Day 145:

If you can't join me, can I join you?

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