14: Scream

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I was awoken by a shrill scream. Groggily, I force my eyes open and rub them. I glance over at the digital alarm clock reading of 2:04 AM. What? I yawn. Maybe it was my imagination. The pillow's so soft it's not hard to turn over and settle back in.

A loud crash.

This time I sit up and glance towards the door. I was staying the night at Jordan's, last I recall. Was there a break in? A murder?

I stumble out of the guest room. Did someone die? The only other person here is Jordan. Did Jordan die? The air is palpable with tension and the dark hallways bring about the menacing haunt of unknown danger.

Another scream and the sound of something heavy being thrown. My heart leapt into my throat. Quietly, I grab the heaviest thing I can find and peak into Jordan's bedroom. He's not there.

No need to panic, just stay calm. Where's my phone?

On the charger downstairs...

My heart starts thudding a mile a minute. I rub a hand through my hair, the sweat preventing my hair from fluffing up as usual.

This is starting to freak me out. The scream came from downstairs. My phone and the attacker are in the same direction. I start edging down the stairs, ready for a fight. This driver better wreck some people.

The kitchen light is on.

I press my back to the wall and edge towards the doorway. I spare a quick glance through the doorway and drop the golf club with a sigh.

Jordan's freaking out because there's a spider. A big one, yeah, but he's standing on top of a chair throwing mugs and boxes at a spider.

"Tom?" Jordan realizes I'm standing there. "Thank god, can you kill the spider?"

If only to shut him up. I calmly walk across the kitchen and step on the spider. Using a paper towel, I wipe spider guts off my foot and scoop the carcass of the spider into the trash.

Jordan climbs down from the chair, looking eternally grateful. He pours himself a glass of water.

"Thank you," he says after a moment.

"I'm going back to bed. Next time there's a spider, don't scream so loudly." I turn towards the stairs. "God. I thought you were being murdered."

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