18: Hypothermia

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"I can't believe you, Tom," Jordan hauled the mostly frozen man inside, leaving a trail of snow and water. "You just had to spend your whole day in the blizzard looking for what—something Dianite wanted? You're unbelievable."

Shaking snow from his hair, Tom shook violently as the cold started to set in. His lips and nails were nearly blue. He couldn't feel his fingers or his feet--or anything below elbow and knees for that matter.

"A m-man's g-got-ta d-do wh-what-" Tom started, but stopped when he couldn't get the words out. Was his tongue frozen too?

His feeble thoughts were interrupted by Jordan's mumbling. He was fussing over the water dripping all over and was tugging off Tom's scarf. He moved his arms to help Jordan as the man continued to pull Tom's layers off.

"Can you get your shoes off?" Jordan asked as he finally got two of Tom's coats off.

After an attempt, in which he fell on Jordan, Tom shook his head.

"Well, sit down," Jordan ordered. "I guess it won't do anymore harm with all the water you've already got all over the place."

Freezing, Tom complied. Jordan wasn't being that gentle and Tom hissed in pain when he wrenched his socks off. Muttering curses, Tom squinted at Jordan through first covered eyelashes as he pulled the second shoe free. At the sight of blue skin Jordan sighed.

"Tom, what am I going to do with you?" Jordan begged, throwing the wet socks and shoes in a pile with the rest of the wet articles of clothing.

"W-warm me up? 'M f-f-fuckin' f-f-freezin'," Tom forced out.

"You need to get out of those wet clothes," Jordan said more to himself. He looked hopefully up at Tom, hoping the man was well enough to undress himself. That wasn't the case.

Huffing, Jordan tugged one later of Tom's pants free and then the second layer. Despite the circumstances, Tom was amused by Jordan's various facial expressions throughout the event. They ranged from exasperation to embarassment.

I like it rough, honestly, but Jordan could you take into consideration I have legs inside those pants before tearing them brutally off, Tom felt like saying. His mouth didn't agree with him so he just gave the older man a pointed glare. Jordan was unintentionally straddling Tom as he fumbled to unzip the jacket.

Tom didn't complain, he was finally getting some goddamn warmth. He was going to freeze to death before Jordan finished. He felt himself free of two jackets, leaving him in a semi-wet t-shirt. Jordan didn't take it off, his hands fell slack and he started to get up.

"S-sp-spark-klez," Tom hissed.

Jordan frowned. He could deal with Tom in boxers and a shirt, but without the shirt he would be highly uncomfortable.

"Do I have to?" Jordan whined.

Tom's expression said it all. Jordan took Tom's shirt off quickly, barely allowing his fingers to longer on anything that wasn't the cloth.

With Tom stripped down, that only left the issue of putting him somewhere warm. Of course, the only sensible place was Jordan's bed. The older man groaned. It was late, he had errands to run tomorrow and he was going to have to sleep on the couch. Why hadn't he let someone else stumble upon Tom?

Because no one would have helped him, but you, his conscience reminded him.

"You can still walk, right Tom?" Jordan asked, but to his horror Tom shook his head and reached his arms up.

"Carry me," Tom said, barely able to keep the smirk from flashing.

Wincing, Jordan picked Tom up gingerly. The weight wasn't something he was prepared for, but Tom wrapped his arms around Jordan's neck, giving him no option of putting him down. Comfortably, Tom nestled against Jordan's chest.

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