8: Friends

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When you're literally going through junk folders on your phone looking for one-shots you didn't really like, because you're running a fever and want to get these done by 12 AM Central time.))

Mianite--Angels and Demons

Plot Summary: There exists two known species that choose their sides accordingly. One is good, one is bad. There is no in-between, or us there... These purple-winged angels seem to be the exception, but then what side do they pick.

Alyssa: Angel, but her wings were broken and she fell, but was saved by the demon Mot.

Andor: Ianitee, a second-created hybrid, a child of the two original hybrids Spark and Ianite. Believes that to remain neutral-good they must stay with the angels.

Ianite: A hybrid, created by a coupling of a demon and an angel. Unknown parents.

Jordan: Ianitee, a second-generation hybrid, a child of the two originals Spark and Ianite. Though he's not for fighting and prefers to stay with angels, he's not so sure they're so good, considering he's picked on by them. He's also picked on by the two demons Mot and Tom. The latter and him have a love-hate relationship. Additionally to him being a hybrid, his wings are enormous.

Mot: A demon that is level-headed, pessimistic, and cunning. He has a caring side that comes out around around Alyssa. He is friendly to Sonja and Jordan. He does not like Tucker. His goal is to convince the hybrids to join their cause, since they possess unique abilities he discovered.

Sonja: An Angel betrothed to Tucker. A fierce fighter and a warm person. One of the only believers that the hybrid purple angels can be good.

Spark: A hybrid created by an angel and demon. They call their kind Ianitee's, since Ianite was the first created. He is her lover and father of Jordan, Andor, and Martha.

Steve: Demon, he is the king of the Nether. After Martha's affections.

Tom: Demon, he has a love for pranks and his brother Mot is his best-friend. He seems to have a crush or rather a strong urge to annoy the hybrid Jordan to death. Usually, they are good natured. He starts the rumor that there's an angel that isn't loyal to the god above.

Waglington: Wizard on Earth. He seeks to woo the hybrid Martha.


Far above the sky, creatures considered to be magnificent and wonderful circled above. Their gracious white wings spread out elegantly as they swept and dived, turned and dipped and performed aesthetic dances in the sky.

One young and lonely angel watched them grimly from the ground, having flown down to Earth where he wouldn't be mocked or judged. His purple tinted wings wrapped around his body, hiding his face from others as he played with a discarded train left at a park.

Two pairs of eyes watched him, their features were sharp, eyes dark and their leathery wings were folded behind them as they crouched in the bushes.  These were Demons, enemies of the Angels. Demons longed to be on Earth, off in the skies above, flying around, but had no choice in the matter. They were destined to be stuck in the Nether.

These two demons were just as young as the strange-winged angel in the park. Both of the demons exchanged glances.

"Look at his wings, he's an angel, right?" the taller of the two asked, his demonic features being a dark green skin and black eyes coupled with a mouth of unnaturally sharp teeth.

The smaller, shorter one took a closer look at the angel, only half if his skin was marred with demon features, the other half human--a not so kind reminder of his accident at birth.

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