Part 1

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"Shit!" I whispered to myself. I had accidentally stub my toe against the door. The pain struck through my body making me wince. The feeling went away and I went back to what I was doing before.
There he was. My new neighbor. He was tall and lean with short dirty blonde hair. My eyes couldn't help but wander off to his ass. And may I say, he sure has a nice one.
He was dreamy. Like he came from a movie or a book. A tall woman walked out of the house and toward the man. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she pecked his lips.
'Must be his wife.' I scoffed. The man went into the house making her more noticeable.
"And they have a baby?" I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me.
"Figures a man that sexy would be married and have a kid. At least she's pretty." I sighed.
"You say something?" My dad asked from the other room.
"Nothing." I replied.
He walked over to me and kissed my forehead. His eyes wandered to the window and saw our newly neighbors.
"Hm. Maybe we should go welcome them to the neighborhood." Before I knew it, my father was walking towards the couple. I followed.
"Howdy!" The words escaped my dad's mouth making me cringe.
"Oh hi!" The man replied. His voice was ruff and deep. It was soothing in a way.
"I'm James, this is my daughter, y/n." He reached his hand out toward the handsome fellow.
"I'm jensen and this is my wife Daneel." He smiled. "And this little one is justice. We call her JJ for short." He picked up the adorable little girl and swung her over his side.
My heart fluttered. But I didn't want to make it noticeable.
"It was really nice meeting you two. How long have you lived here?" Daneel asked.
"For a few years. My wife passed 5 years ago and we decided it was best to make a new start." He rambled.
I rolled my eyes. I hated when he mentioned my mother. Especially to strangers. I peeped up at jensen who was already staring and smiled. I could feel the blood rush up into my cheeks and the heat escape my body.
JJ started to pull on my hair. "Oh sorry. No JJ, don't do that." Jensen said as he tried to make justice release my hair.
"Oh it's ok. She's adorable." I said. Justice reached her arms towards me and I pulled her away from jensen.
"Hi cutie." I said. He started to play with my necklace. "Oh you like that huh?" I laughed. She was beautiful. They were beautiful. And it was kind of sickening.
"Let's go y/n. And leave the neighbors to their unpacking." My dad said, interrupting my thoughts.
"Oh yeah ok." I gave JJ a peck on the head and gave her back to jensen. "She likes you." Daneel said.
"Oh? Yeah I love kids. She's pretty great herself." I winked at justice. I turned away and started to walk back home.
"It was great meeting you y/n!" Jensen yelled from behind. His voice was like a soft melody, I could hear him talk for hours.
It's been a few months since I met the ackles family. And I grew to like them more and more everyday. Daneel was amazing, as much as I envied her relationship with jensen, I couldn't hate her. And jensen. He was everything I dreamed of. He was sweet and caring and all together hilarious. He always made me laugh.
Tonight is my first night of babysitting justice. The couple had to go to a premiere party for daneels new movie.
Both jensen and daneel are actors. Which was strange because I live next door to them. Jensen once told me he was on a show called supernatural, so of course, I went on Netflix and started binge watching all of the seasons. It was incredible. And after the first season, I was hooked. I'd always ask him questions about the show and his character and he loved to have a discussion with me. It's weird talking to him in person and seeing him on screen. But I understand why he was loved by so many. He's incredible.
I rung the doorbell to their house and jensen answered. He was wearing a white button up with a black thin tie. His jacket was a tint of red and black. He looked so handsome. He threw me a smile and waved for me to walk in.
"Good evening mr. Ackles." I teased.
"Please don't ever call me that. Makes me feel old." He laughed.
"JJ is upstairs with her momma. She just ate, but there's food and beer. Help yourself." He smiled. I could get lost in his eyes all day.
'Get it together y/n. He's married.'
Daneel walked down the stairs with justice in her arms. She looked beautiful. Her red gown fitted her curves perfectly. And he hair was tossed in a neat bun.
"Hi y/n."
"Hi." I reached for justice and she wrapped her tiny arm around my neck.
"Hi Lovebug." I snuggled her up and pecked her on the cheek. Justice was smiling from ear to ear and wouldn't stop giggling.
"Have fun you two. And remember JJ, don't get too drunk." He teased. He kissed her forehead and winked at me. "See you in a few hours." Daneel yelped. And they disappeared into the night.
"Well it's just you and me kiddo."
Justice and I played for hours. We painted and I made her spaghetti, which of course got everywhere. So I took her a bath and we decided to snuggle up on the couch and watch wreck it Ralph. My favorite Disney Pixar movie. Before I knew it, we were both sleeping on the couch. She laid on top of my chest.
"Sh sh sh. It's ok. Go back to sleep. I'm just going to put JJ upstairs." Jensen mumbled. I smiled and fell back to sleep.
"Y/n. Wake up." Jensen pulled your arm, making you jolt.
"Mm what time is it?" You asked.
"It's 1:30. Sorry. I just couldn't sleep." You opened your eyes and jensen was standing next to the couch in only his boxers. Your eyes were wide and you tried to look away.
"Uh, sorry. I'll leave." You got up and reached for your shoes beside him. Your hand hit his thigh and you squealed.
"You don't have to leave. I just wanted to see how you were doing." Jensen said.
"I-I'm ok. Thanks." You said, trying not to face him.
Jensen knelt down to you and pulled your chin to his face.
"Then why won't you look at me?" He breathed.
"I-I don't know. You're just wearing boxers." You stuttered.
"So? Does it bother you?"
"No it's just hard to focus."
You gulped. You didn't realize how close he was until now. He exhaled and You could feel it on your cheek.
You opened your mouth to speak, and before You knew it, you two were kissing. His lips pressed hard on yours and he picked you up making you straddle him. One hand was on your back while the other was tangled in your hair.
Was this happening?!
You pulled away for a moment to catch a breath.
"What about daneel?" You asked quietly.
Jensen looked down for a moment. You could feel his heart beat. "Honestly, things haven't been ok with us for a while. We have been trying, but it's just not working out. And now living next to you, I can't." Jensen paused for a moment. He kissed you one more time and whispered "I can't stop thinking about you. Watching you with JJ makes me like you even more. I don't know what to do with myself."
You pulled his face to yours. Every single word he said, playing in your head. It was surreal. Your hips started swaying over his, you could feel his hard shaft through his boxers, and it was making you hot.
"Fuck" he whispered. He sucked your neck and pulled you in closer.
"Dadda!" Justice called out.
Jensen shot up and started panting. 'It was a dream? A damn dream?' He thought to himself.
"Dadda!" I heard justice yell from her bedroom. My eyes fluttered open. Why am I still at the ackles house?
I rubbed my eyes and threw my hair in a messy bun.
I walked towards JJs room and picked her up.
"Hey Lovebug. Couldn't sleep?" I sat on the rocking chair as she laid her head on my shoulder.
"Shh it's ok." I started to hum 'not in that way' by Sam smith. And slowly, she fell back to sleep. The door creaked open and my eyes shot up.
"Uh hi." Jensen whispered.
"Hey. I think she fell back to sleep." I gestured to JJ.
Jensen walked over and pulled her off of me. He laid her down in her crib and we quietly walked out of her room.
"Sorry. I heard her cry and thought I should go see if she's ok." I said.
"Oh don't worry about it. Thank you. So uh want a beer?" He hesitated.
"Sure." It's not like I was going back to sleep anytime soon. Especially seeing jensen in a white tshirt and boxers. His hair was messy but he still looked handsome.
And here I was with a messy bun, faded skinny jeans and a grey tank top. Great.
I followed him downstairs to the kitchen. He pulled out two beers and handed one to me. Our bottles clinked together and we took a swig of our beer.
"You could go back to sleep if you want." I said.
"Nah. It's ok, I'm wide awake now." He chuckled.
I looked down to my shoes, feeling the heat escape my body. I have never stayed over night at jensens house.
"Want to watch a movie or something?" He gestured.
We decided on 'If I stay." I read the book back in high school, and I fell in love.
"That Chloe chick is a pretty great actress. I met her last year."
I choked on my beer forgetting jensen is this celebrity with famous friends.
"You ok?" He laughed.
"Uh ye-shit!" I dropped the bottle of beer all over my pants making me soaked.
"Well that's awesome." I said sarcastically.
Jensen was laughing beside me for a minute before getting up and grabbing me a towel.
"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.
"It's not my fault you're a Cluts! Remember the other day you tripped and fell into JJs little pool?" He couldn't stop laughing. Which was making me smile.
"I'm glad my clumsiness enlightens you. But I do remember you missing the last step on the stairs and you falling on your ass!"
"What? No-I - shut up!"
He tossed me the towel and I tried to dry off my pants.
"They're soaked."
"Here take them off, I'll get you some sweats."
"It's ok I can jus-"
"No it's fine."
Jensen left the room and I slipped my pants off. It felt good to take them off.
Jensen came back into the room immediately after. I tried to reach for the towel but it was too late.
"Oh shit oops." He closed his eyes.
"Uh sorry I thought you left." I exhaled.
"I forgot the key for my room." He smiled.
"C'mon jensen, you don't have to close your eyes" you chuckled. " you're an actor for gods sake. I'm sure you've seen plenty of girls in their panties."
He slowly opened his eyes. "True." He looked down at my body and bit his lip.
Was he checking me out? My heart started to race. And my palms were sweaty.
"Right your pants. I'll be back." And he darted off.
I looked ridiculous wearing jensens sweats. They were baggy.
"So I should hit the sack. Daneel leaves to New York tomorrow and I have to take her to the airport." Jensen sighed.
"Yeah. I should go home."
"I'll walk you? So I know you made it."
I nodded.
The cold breeze hit my face and it felt refreshing. It was getting hot in the house, maybe because of the incident with jensen? Who knows.
I wished my house was further so we could be alone longer. But unfortunately I'm next door.
"Thanks for babysitting. How much do I owe you?" He asked interrupting my thoughts.
"You're welcome and don't worry about it, I love JJ." Jensen smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist. We squeezed each other for a moment, and I decided to kiss him on the cheek. I propped up on my tip toes and leaned towards his cheek. He must've wanted to do the same thing because our lips collided. He squeezed tighter and ran his tongue over my teeth. We heard a faint bark from one of the neighbors dog down the street and made us jump.
"Uh I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Jensen exclaimed. Before I could talk, jensen ran back to his house, leaving me alone in front of my door.
'What the hell just happened?' I whispered to myself, as I traced my lips with my fingers.

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