Part 7

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"Daneel, take JJ and go back home. I'm going to the hospital with y/n." I yelled as I started my way to my car.
I didn't look back. The only thing I could think of was y/n and the baby. Hoping they would be alright.
I felt my stomach tighten and my eyes began to water. If anything were to happen to them, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Especially since I'm the main cause for this.
"22 year old female was in a head on collision. She has 3 fractured ribs and a broken leg. Also bleeding internally." The nurse yelled. My eyes began to flutter open. And pain shot through me, instantly.
"W-what happened? W-where am I?" I exhaled. It was hard for me to breathe and the lights were hurting my eyes.
"Ma'am. Stay with us. You were in a car accident." The doctor spoke as he continued examining me. My head was pounding and there was a sharp pain in my chest. What was happening.
"We need to get her to an OR stat!" The doctor yelled.
I looked up following the lights. Wishing I couldn't feel anything.
"Hi im looking for Y/F/N Y/L/N room." i exhaled as tried to control my breathing.
"I'm sorry sir, shes in surgery right now. please sit in the waiting room. The doctor will let you and everyone else know when you can go in to see her." she smiled. I balled my fist and clenched my jaw. I needed to see her. I needed to know she was fine. Her and the baby.
I walked to the waiting room. James, her father, was sitting with his hand over his eyes.
"H-Hi James." I whispered. his eyes shot up toward me and smirked.
"Oh hi Jensen." he gestured for me to sit next to him. We sat in silence, waiting for the doctor to give us any information. Guilt crashed into me and i began to over think. What if she doesnt make it? What if something happened to the baby. I couldnt handle it. My stomach tightened and the room felt like it was closing in. Tears began to stream down my face. I just hope shes ok.
"She told me everything." James muttered. My heart dropped. What did he mean everything? Does he know about the baby? About my affair? I felt dizzy.
"She loves you Jensen. And i know you love her." he inhaled and removed his hand from his face. "I see the way you look at her."
"W-what?" i finally spoke.
"But you're still married Jensen. You need to remember that. You should have left her alone." my head dropped and i began to sob.
"I know. But how can you watch the love of your life walk away?" i quivered.
"How can you do this to the person you love? how can you watch them suffer?" James shifted in his chair and turned his body toward me.
"I dont have a problem with you Jensen. I like you as a person. But what you're doing with Daneel and my daughter isnt Healthy for anyone. You need to either end things with Daneel or leave my daughter alone."
"Mr. (Y/L/N)." The doctor said as he walked toward both of us. He looked exhausted but relieved.
"Y-yes. Is she ok? Can we see her?" James asked.
"We were able to stop the bleeding and she pulled through. Her brain though, isnt responding. She is in a coma." the doctor explained as he placed a hand on James shoulder.
"And the Baby?" i blurted out.
The doctor looked at me with furrowed brows. "And you are?"
"I'm the baby's father." Those words slipped out. But it felt nice to say. Havent been able to say it out loud until now. I still want y/n and the baby. I still want our own family.
the Doctor stiffened and cleared his throat. "The baby is doing just fine. But we will be checking up on the baby as a precaution."
"When do we get to see her?" James demanded.
"You can go in now if you like." The doctor smiled at us both before leaving. James grabbed his jacket and made his way toward her room. I followed.
She looked peaceful, but her face was covered in cuts and bruises. She was connected to different machines, the beeping from the heart monitor was echoing the room. It pained me to see her that way.
"Hey baby. its Your dad." James began to sob. He pulled a chair to her side and reached for her hand. "Please dont stop fighting baby." he whispered. my heart ached and my eyes welled with tears.
"I came as soon as i found out. How she doing?" A young girl walked in wearing a grey jacket and black skinny jeans. Her brown hair fell in different directions and her makeup was smeared.
"She isn't responding." James stated. The girl turned to me and frowned.
"Hi Jensen. Im Lexi." she said and turned back to James.
My stomach was in knots. Y/n was in a coma. I couldnt bear it anymore. the tears began to over power my eyes. None of this was suppose to happen. Maybe her father was right. Maybe i should just leave her alone. Let her go. As much as it would kill me to leave her, i know i have to.
I cleared my throat and wiped my tears away. "I'm so sorry. For all of this"
I glanced over at Y/n once more before leaving.
I turned on my heels and walked out of the room. Why did it have to hurt so much?
"You ok?" Jared asked as he handed me a beer.
"I'm fine." I took a sip and returned my gaze to JJ. She was playing with Tom and Shep. Her eyes were full of joy and happiness. God I wish life could be simple again.
"Jensen, its been a week. And you havent moved from this spot." he breathed. He was right. I wasnt ok. After leaving Y/n room, I just havent been myself. I was numb. I had forced myself to not feel. If i didnt, then the guilt would eat me up alive.
"Have you heard anything about, you know?" Jared said, interrupting my thoughts.
"No. I haven't. I don't know anything." Those words stung. I took another sip.
"Dude. Look, this isnt healthy. You arent eating, You dont talk to me or anyone for that matter. Youre wasting away." Jared shifted in his chair and cleared his throat. "I think you should go see her. She loves you man. She told me herself."
My head shot back to him and my eyes widened. "When did you two meet" i demanded.
"The day You and Daneel were fighting. I went out there. She told me she isnt sorry for being in love with you. I already told you dude. I just want you to be happy, and clearly she makes you Happy. Go see her."
The pain began to vibrate through me.
"And then what? Put her through more hell? I can't keep doing this to her Jared. She deserves so much more."
"Don't beat yourself up man. She loves you."
"But is it enough?"
"That's up to you. But you won't know unless you try."
Jared was right though. This wasn't healthy. I needed y/n. I needed to see her. "Look jensen, she needs you more than ever right now. I know you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if anything were to happen."
"Thanks man. I owe you." I chugged the rest of my beer and grabbed my coat.
"Yeah you do." Jared laughed. "I'm here for you man."
I smiled and kissed JJ on her forehead. "See you soon baby girl."
There she was. She was sleeping alone. And god she looked so beautiful. I would do anything just to lay next to her. My eyes wandered around her room. There were cards and flowers surrounding her, along with pictures of her and friends. She looked so happy in them.
"Jensen!" James yelled. He walked toward me with a cup of coffee in his hands.
"Hi." I said. He wrapped his arms around me and smiled.
"How is she doing?" I asked hoping for good news.
James sighed and frowned.
"She's fine. She woke up last night. But she doesn't remember anything from the accident."
"But she's ok?" I asked.
James smiled and nodded.
I walked in as tears began to stream down my face.
"Hi beautiful." I whispered as I reached for her hand. Her eyes fluttered open. I missed looking at her, I missed the way she would gaze at me and smile.
Her smile turned into a frown and she pulled away from me.
"W-who are you?!" She demanded. She began to scream and call for help.
My breath escaped and my chest tightened.
She doesn't remember me?!

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