Part 5

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"She's pregnant?" I thought to myself. Is this why she's been avoiding me? Is this why she moved? So many questions and emotions were roaming my mind.
"Hey jensen!" A familiar voice yelled from behind.
I slowly turned as I shoved the picture in my pocket.
"Oh h-hey!" I waved. I had forgotten I invited Jared over. And after what I just found out, I really needed him.
"W-what are you doing over here? Isn't your house over there?" Jared pointed to my house next door.
"Yeah. JJ decided to visit the neighbors. You know how babies are." I laughed. "C'mon. Want a beer?" I asked as I picked JJ up and swung her over my side. We headed toward my house.
"Sure. Tom and shep are inside already."
"You hear that baby girl? Your boyfriend is here." I teased.
Now how was I going to explain everything to Jared? My best friend of 10 years. A man who was in my wedding. Whose wife is best friends with mine. How am I going to tell him that I am in love with my neighbor and now she's pregnant.
My stomach felt tight.
'Son of a bitch.' I thought to myself.
"Y/n? Is that you?" My father asked.
I wiped my tears and got up from the floor. For a moment, I had forgotten why I came to visit my dad in the first place.
"Yeah sorry. I have great news!" I tried to sound enthusiastic.
"I'm in the kitchen!" My dad yelled. I kicked off my shoes and made my way to my dad.
The smell of chocolate chip cookies surrounded the kitchen.
"Mmm smells so good!" I said as I wrapped my arms around my dad.
"Hi sweetie. Cookies should be done in a few minutes. So what's the great news?" I reached in my purse for the picture of the sonogram.
"Shit where is it?!" I gritted through my teeth.
"Where's what?" My dad asked.
"I went to the doctors today to find out the gender." I was emptying my purse hoping it was just underneath everything. "And I got a sonogram. But I can't find it!"
"Y/n it's ok. I'm sure it's just in your car."
"You're probably right. I'll go check." I grabbed my keys and headed for the door.
Jensen wasn't outside; thank god. Which made it easier for me to walk out to my car.
I searched through every inch of my car.
"What the hell! Where is it?" I yelled to myself. I sat in the driver seat as tears streamed down my face. This pregnancy is really kicking my ass.
"Jensen, are you- do you know- how could you- dude!" Jared yelled. Throwing his hands up in the air.
I hung my head and sighed.
Jared didnt take the news to well. "I know man! I didn't think this would happen! Moving here I thought it'd be a new beginning for us both, but things just got worse, with her traveling for her premiers and I doing the same for supernatural. We just lost touch." I blurted out.
Jared pinched the bridge of his nose. His hair fell on to his face making it hard to see his eyes.
"Do you love her?" He finally asked.
"Do you love her jensen? Do you think she is worth splitting up your family?"
I hesitated for a moment. Thankfully gen and daneel left to go shopping, so she couldn't hear any of this.
"Y-yeah. I really do." I sighed.
"I don't know what to do man! I'm married to someone I don't have feelings for anymore and I'm in love with someone who won't give me the time of day. What-" I inhaled, fighting back my tears. "What am I suppose to do here Jared?"
Jared sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Wish I could tell you. All I can say is, do what will make you happy in the long run. No matter what, I will stand beside you." Jared placed a hand on my shoulder. He walked toward the kitchen and grabbed two beers.
My head was spinning. I know what I want, but how can I do this without hurting daneel. Just because I'm not in love with her doesn't mean I don't care about her. This whole thing is complicated.
Jared handed me a beer and pointed to the window.
"Is that the neighbor you were talking about?"
"What?" My head snapped to the window and there she was. Sitting in her car, crying.
I hate seeing her that way. Especially knowing I'm the main cause.
"Go out there dude. Before the girls get back." Jared said, interrupting my thoughts.
"Wha-you sure?" I hesitated.
"Yeah. Dude, you're family and all I want is for you to be happy. If she makes you happy then go talk to her."
"Thanks brother." I muttered.
God damn I am so tired of these mood swings. One moment I'm happy and the next I'm miserable! I am exhausted.
"Hi." Jensen whispered.
My head shot up towards him. His face was flushed and his eyes were red. Was he crying? I have never seen jensen this upset. And in a way, I felt horrible.
"Hi." I smirked.
"You ok?" He asked.
I inhaled and rested my head on the drivers seat.
"I just lost something really important to me."
Jensen reached in his pockets and pulled something out.
He sighed and raised the item up. "Is this what you are looking for?" He hesitated.
My eyes locked on to the sonogram in his hand.
"W-where did you get that?" My stomach dropped making everything close in.
"It was on the floor after we talked. JJ had it." He handed over the picture and took a step back.
His hand cupped the back of his neck and his head hung.
"Were you ever going to tell me?" He whispered.
A knot formed in my throat making it hard for me to breathe.
"I-I didn't think you should know."
"And why the hell not?!" Jensen yelled. His hands dropped to his sides.
"Jensen, you're married! You have a family! This will be all bad for everyone! For you, for daneel, for JJ, for me! Everyone will call me a home wrecker. Your fans will be upset, this will be the biggest scandal! I'm not ready for any of this! I love JJ and daneel too much to put them through this. And-"
"What about me? Do I not have a say in this?"
"You can't because you'd choose the wrong thing!"
"Y/n! I know this will be bad and everyone will talk about it, but it will pass over." He paused slowly walking towards me."I love you. So damn much! YOU make me happy. YOU make me feel alive and YOU are the only person to show me what passion is. I can't lose you. I've tried, god knows I've tried moving on and working things out with daneel, but I can't get over you! Maybe I'm not suppose to get over you. Maybe I'm meant to be in love with you." He leaned in closer and placed his hands on my hip. "Finding out about the baby was the best news of my life by far! Well it's a tie with finding out about JJ of course." He chuckled.
"We are having a baby together y/n. And that makes me incredibly happy. Our own family." He laid his right hand on to my lower belly and his left pressed on my back. "This is ours. This little guy has both you and me in him." My eyes welded up with tears and my heart raced. This is exactly all I wanted. Him and I and this baby. Our own family. The heat escaped my body as jensen leaned in closer, only inches away.
"Jensen." I whispered.
He pulled my face up and pressed his lips onto mine. I motioned back, running my hands up to his neck. Our mouths moved in sync and our tongues danced along each other. His teeth slightly grazed against my lower lip. Pure bliss vibrated throughout my body.
"Jensen?" A voice wailed. Our lips separated and our heads shot back toward the voice.
And here is what I feared the most.
There she was. Daneel.

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